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~ Namjoon POV ~

He didn't want to leave Jimin, he really didn't, but every instinct inside of him was screaming at him to run, telling him to hurry and move, leading him much like it did at Jungwoo's compound to just go. So he did, not looking back as he went, and trusting that Jimin would do as he said he would and follow him. The change happened as fluid as water, his bones shifting and breaking, skin morphing and stretching unnaturally as he transformed, body going on autopilot and the pain of it all morphing into adrenaline as he raced along the mountain trek.

Trees shattered in his wake as he soared through the surrounding foliage. His mind was locked onto one thing and one thing only, the natural instinct to find his mate. The phoenix's name kept repeating itself in his mind, making him blind to everything else as he searched frantically for him, every cell in his body leading him towards where the other half of his soul was. Taehyung may not have had a scent, phoenix's being as scentless as his kind were, but he knew exactly where he was.

It could have been seconds, it could have been minutes, it could have been hours, Namjoon didn't know, but he soon found the phoenix crumpled in pain against a fallen tree. His body went on high alert as soon as he saw his battered form, freezing as he scanned the area for enemies, a growl vibrating out of his throat as his black eyes narrowed in search for attackers. About a mile away, he could hear Jimin running, following Namjoon's broken trail towards where Taehyung was, but what gave him pause was the smell clogging his nostrils. Yoongi was close, and when he strained his ears he could hear something. Could hear multiple people, human based on the smell, surrounding the zombie.

He was torn. The zombie was clearly strong, but something felt off. While every instinct in him screamed to pick up Taehyung and cradle him, keep him safe, he knew that the zombie needed him right now. If they had been able to take the phoenix down, they had an advantage that they didn't know about and he would be needed. He didn't want any of the three to get hurt, especially since they were sheltering Kyungmin. She was pregnant, and right now they were getting to safety, and with the zombie as the Resistance's leader, he would be needed in order to make sure she still stayed as safe as she was.

With a final look towards Taehyung, Namjoon fought his instincts with a snarl and raced back in the direction where he had smelt Jimin. He landed in front of him in no time at all, scaring the other in his sudden appearance. The distinct look of terror in his eyes broke his heart, just as it had when Taehyung had looked at him very much the same way earlier, but he could worry about that later, there was nothing that he could really do when it came to his appearance anyways. Ignoring Jimin's sudden scream when he lifted him, he whisked them away through the trees and carnage that he had left behind on his way to Taehyung and dropped him off near the phoenix without a word.

Part of Namjoon wanted to cry from how Jimin had looked at him, the pain of the human looking at him and screaming in fright a low blow to his heart but he could worry about that later. Right now he needed to get to Yoongi.

Knocking more trees out of his way, he cleared a way towards where the putrid smell of the zombie was coming from, the closer he got the more sick he felt from the stench. There were five humans close to him and two in the trees with some kind of dart gun. They must have managed to hit him because he crumpled to the ground very much how Taehyung had been, so it must have been the same thing that had hit them both.

A grimace fell over his lips at what he was about to do, but he really didn't have a choice. He needed to get those humans away from Yoongi and then get back to Taehyung as soon as possible. There was no telling what was in the darts that they used and he needed to act fast. One of the humans was holding a sword high above Yoongi's neck, ready to slice right through and without hesitation Namjoon grabbed the sword and broke the blade clean in half, blood spraying both him and the human as he stood over the zombies prone body and ripped off the person's arm. Screams filled his air, and blood rained over him, but he didn't want to fight them. He didn't want this.

The people with the dart guns aimed at him but he dodged and threw Yoongi over his shoulder before they could do anything else. They would most likely take chase, but Namjoon hoped that they would run, that he scared them enough for them to take off and forget about them completely. He didn't know who they were, but a large part of him feared that they worked for Jungwoo despite the fact that he didn't recognize them at all. His heart was racing rapidly, pounding in his chest as his mind went blank.


The smell of blood was everywhere, clogging his senses entirely and he froze.



~ Jimin POV ~

When Namjoon had come towards him like he did he wished that he could have schooled his reaction, that he could have kept the scream inside, but he couldn't. The sight of him was terrifying, like something out of his worst nightmares. When they had been at Jungwoo's compound he had only caught a glimpse of Namjoon's transformed state for a moment, the hybrid having been buried under a mass amount of werewolves as they tried to devour him and when they had set him free and dispatched of them he had already transformed back to normal. The hurt in his eyes was instantaneous but there was nothing he could do, he had been frozen.

Then before he realized what was going on, Namjoon had grabbed him and dropped him off to an unconscious and bleeding Taehyung and took off once more. He didn't know what was going on, but something definitely was and it was obviously not good. Drawing his gun, he readied himself as he ran towards his friend.

More guilt started to plague him as he squatted down beside him. His wings were torn, not as bad as they had been at the compound but nearly there with how bad they had been injured in the fall. He didn't look conscious at all, but he was breathing and at the end of the day that was all that mattered, even if it was as labored as it was. Taehyung almost looked peaceful and that made him feel even worse.

What was he doing?

Jimin never felt like more of a piece of shit in his life. Yeah, his best friend didn't want the hybrid, actively seemed to hate him even despite his instincts, but he was still his imprint....

Running a hand through his bangs, he moved the hair out of Taehyung's eyes, "I'll fix this Taehyungie don't worry, it will be -"

He never got to finish his sentence....

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