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There was a kick to Namjoon's ribs, the typical wake up call for when one of his Master's henchmen needed to retrieve him. It was painful, all of the men tending to wear silver in their boots as a deterrent towards him if he were to ever go rogue and attack. It was not like he ever would though, not until his sister was truly safe and free. She was the only reason he was still here and accepting his fate. He may not remember a lot of his past, for the most part he wasn't even sure if a lot of it was real, but if there was one thing that he was certain of. It was that she existed and he was here for her. There was only one memory stark clear in his mind, and it was the day that they came. The day his

Master had killed his family and gave him an offer he couldn't refuse...

For the rest of the world it was a crime to have a hybrid child. The mere existence of their species was punishable by death, not for them, but for their parents. The reason being that most hybrid's do not survive the transformation process if it ever was triggered, and there were many things that could accidentally trigger it. His parents, father a vampire and mother a werewolf, had hid within the mountains to keep them and their children safe. Safe from the councils, from slayers, and from those who would want to sell Namjoon and his sister for the healing properties in their blood.

What they should have been worried about though was neither of those groups, it should have been something a lot more unexpected that was growing from the shadows. His Master was the leader of an underground anarchist group set against the world powers. They would anything to seize power and take over the modern world in order to shape it to the image of their version of utopia, and as cartoon villainy that sounded, it was actually working in their favor. His Master had somehow heard from some sources - Namjoon still doesn't know from where - but he had found out and now this was his life...


There was blood all over him, staining his hands, dripping off of his hair and causing the shredded pieces of his clothes to cling to his skin. Even all he could see was red as he stared at the man before him dead in the eyes, the remains of the man's fallen comrades dripping off of him in thick and chunky rivulets. "Let her go," his voice sounded foreign to his ears, far raspier and deeper than it should ever be at the tender age that he was. "Drop her now!"

He could smell the fear coming off of the man, even as he held a knife up to his sister's throat. She was scared, her large eyes filled with tears as small sniffles and calls for "Namjoon" fell from her tiny petal lips. He was going to kill them all. His body was weakening though, he wasn't sure how much more he could take, he didn't even know that he had this power until now. "LET HER GO!" He screamed it even as he fell to the ground, his body no longer able to hold out the transformation that it had endured. His bones broke, cracked and contorted in unnatural angles, skin ripped and tore, and everything burned as soul wrenching screams tore threw his already bruised and bloodied throat as he was forced back into a more natural shape. Back into the little boy that he was.

"Let her go," his voice no longer sounded like a growl but a pathetic snot and tear filled whimper.

The man holding onto his sister looked like he was about to attack him, dropping her to the ground with a thud and wail as he threw down the knife towards some trees in favor of scrambling for his gun when a loud booming voice yelled out for him to stop. His sister ran to him, raking her shivering fingers through his hair as they both cried; her clinging to his unmoving form as he did the only thing that he could do which was to glare as the large man that was the owner of the voice squatted down in font of them. "I'll let her go, in fact I'll make sure she has the most comfortable life in the world. Filled with riches and anything her heart desires-"

"Boss! What are you say-"

He held out a hand to silence the other, "If you work for me."

He would have been a fool to refuse....


After that day Namjoon became his Master's pet, his one of kind killing machine that no one else in existence had. A hybrid that could transform at will and survive. He became a weapon and his sister got her freedom. His Master was a cruel man, one that was drawn by an ambition and cause that he would willingly do just about anything for, but he never broke a promise. He was an honest sadist. That was something that Namjoon could at least count on, if anything else. Sometimes on the rare occasions that he was freed from his cage and allowed to venture outside on his own - pretty much on the few times he was sent on solo work to dispatch of someone - he would take a detour back to the manor and follow his sisters scent. Follow her to the homes she had been to over the years and would watch to make sure she was alright. She always was, but he worried. He always worried. The last time he had watched her was a little less than a year ago and she had just moved in with a handsome man with big does eyes and a bunny smile. When he caught his scent he smelled like some sort of shifter but he wasn't sure. All he knew was that from the brief moment that he had watched them from the shadows, that they were happy and very much in love.

There was another kick to his ribs before the men finally unlocked him from his chains only to put a new pair on him as well as a muzzle. All of it made form a mixture of iron and silver to keep him subdued. His Master would never truly forget what he was after all. The muzzle and chains around his wrists, ankles and neck all burned into his skin as he walked into the manor, the pain so familiar that it no longer bothered him as it used to back when he had first been forced into this life. Soon enough, Namjoon was being dragged to his Master's study - a place he knew all to well - and knew that he was either being sent out on a mission or he was going to be making an example out of someone and at least then he was able to feed.

Sure enough, when he was led inside, there was a cowering man beaten bloody and ragged in the middle of the floor with the rest of his Master's men standing along all sides crowded around the room. Almost immediately he was given the order and the muzzle was taken off. All at once the smell of blood hit him at full force and the five days of hunger caught up to him, his body taking over before his mind and he was sinking his fangs deep within the flesh of the man before him. As he drank and chewed he swore, just out the window, that he saw a mouse watching him before it was gone and all that was left was the limbs of the trees knocking against the pane from the wind....

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