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A contented smile was on Namjoon's lips as he laid his head on Jimin's chest, fingers twirling with the small curls of hair that he found in the center, eyes heavy lidded and the heat completely out of his system as Jimin held him close and placed little kisses along his hairline. They were holding hands and one of Namjoons legs was still hooked around Jimin's waste, and he couldn't help but giggle happily. He was falling into the abyss of no return more, but at this point he didn't care, he wanted to have this moment while he could.

"Jimin," The smile was still there but there was less of a shimmer in his eyes as he spoke, "What's going to happen? After this?"

Bringing a hand up to run along Namjoon's prominent cheekbone he shifted slightly on his side so that he could look at him better, "I don't know, I wish I did, but whatever happens next I won't abandon you."

Namjoon shut his eyes for a moment, snuggling closer into Jimin's chest as he took in his scent, "Do you promise?"

"I promise." He meant it to. That's what scared him the most in all of this. None of them knew how everyone was going to react to Namjoon's sudden presence, about him supposedly switching sides like he seems to have. He didn't know what Taehyung was going to do about their imprint...

Guilt started to gnaw at him, his conscious warring with itself in all directions as he thought about his best friend. His friend that was very much like a brother to him, more family to him then his own bloodline, and how he pretty much was betraying him. How the creature in his arms was imprinted to him, and he imprinted to the hybrid in return, that for a phoenix an imprint can never be broken unlike Namjoon's which could easily break with a rejection from the other... He selfishly didn't want to let go of Namjoon, didn't want to take him out of his arms and send him to Taehyung's who clearly didn't love him... who didn't want him because this was the being that killed his parents...

More guilt started to way on his shoulders as he thought about all of the comrads he had lost to Namjoon's hands and teeth over the years, about how many people he had killed on their side, all of their blood painting his skin just as it now did his for him having feelings for him.

Clutching onto Namjoon tighter he tried to ignore it, to send the feelings away so that he could focus on the here and now. He wasn't innocent either, he was the last person who should judge him for his mistakes, for the things he did in the name of those he loved. "Namjoon," The hybrid had almost fallen asleep but cracked his eyes open drowsily at him calling out his name, "Can you tell me about you?"

He looked at him blankly, as if he didn't know how to respond before he licked his lips and appeared a lot more awake then he did before. "There isn't really much to tell."

"I would still like to know."

That was how they spent the next few hours, talking to each other, learning things from the other and sharing things that they normally wouldn't share. Jimin wished that he could have that moment forever, as Namjoon poured out his heart to him, told him everything that he possibly could, all the horrible things he had to do and had been subjected to. How he allowed them to do all of those things in hopes that Kyungmin could have a better life, and as a way to punish himself for all that he had done since he had never wanted this, had never wanted any of this, and would pray most days to die just so that Jungwoo wouldn't be able to use him any longer...

How his memory was fleeting, that most of the time he didn't know if a memory actually happened or if it was all a part of wishful thinking that his subconscious had made up in order to help him cope. How every time he had been able to get away he would sneak away into some of the villages that Kyungmin had lived in over the years, the nicer ones that were under Jungwoo's protection and strict authority, just to see if she was happy, if she was okay and healthy so that he could keep doing what he needed to do. When he would catch glimpses of her smiling or in school, it made all of it worth it.

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