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"That's him," The hobbled footsteps grew closer and Namjoon strained to see who was coming towards him and the man on top of him, but said man straddling him dug their fingers deep into the bullet wound again as soon as he moved.

"Are you sure?" There was no hesitance in the other's voice and the newcomer continued towards them till he was crouched by Namjoon's head. The smell coming off of him was something he had never had the misfortune to encounter before and he could feel his eyes watering as bile caught in his throat. Looking at the stranger didn't make him feel any better either. The creature had pure white hair and their skin was a mixture of pale and sickly, as if the person was one foot from death's door. There weren't any wounds littering their body but their clothes were caked and dusted with dirt, as if they had risen from beneath the ground recently, and he didn't particularly trust the yellow glint in the creature's cat-like eyes.

"I'm sure, he looks like her. Look at the cheeks and nose, even their eyes are the same." The creature reached out a shaky hand and poked at his cheek, his fingers freezing worst then ice. The man on top of him finally moved the gun away from his temple and now that he was able to look at him he was surprised at how delicate he looked despite being nothing but hard muscle. His bangs covered the entirety of his forehead, hair a soft brown, and he was wearing a simple large shirt, tights, and combat boots. He looked more like the type of person that he would spy at Kyungmin's college during the brief time that she went before she met her boyfriend and dropped out.

"I still want a name." Once more the barrel of the gun was pressed against his forehead and he wasn't sure how he was supposed to act. On one hand, he was most likely capable of disarming the human on top of him and knocking him back long enough for him to escape but he didn't know what what the newcomer was because he didn't recognize the scent. Then on the other hand, if he cooperated they may know something about Taehyung and they mentioned a 'her' and his appearance so it was safe to assume that they were talking about his sister. Taehyung did say that had a team ready so these two may very well be apart of it for all he knows and though he may not know much of what is going on - or anything for that matter - his fight or flight were typically spot on and right now they were telling him to cooperate and wait. He didn't smell any of Jungwoo's men nearby so it wouldn't hurt to find out some information. If he had to, he would fight, but now it was better to talk.

"Namjoon." His voice came out as a croak, he had been crying so much the last few days that he was severely dehydrated and the one time he had been given water had been after he had thrown up so his throat hurt as he spoke.

"See, I told you, they looked similar." The creature smiled a wide gummy smile and pushed the human off of Namjoon's lap so that he could help him stand. "Sorry about him, he is just cranky."

"I don't see how your not considering what hap-" The creature sent the human a glare and raised his hand for silence, the human shutting his mouth instantly as he continued to send death glares towards Namjoon. He honestly wondered if this human was scarier than Jungwoo....

"Anyways," The creature focused on Namjoon once more, "You being free makes our job a lot easier. Are you staying or going?"

This was it. This was the moment. Did Namjoon leave and place his and Kyungmin's fate into these strangers hands, trust Taehyung and her boyfriend to keep them - or at least her - safe? He still wasn't sure. He knew what he wanted. His heart had already chosen that, but... questions still whirled around his mind, making him confused and now that he was standing there on the ledge of his fate with the sword of Damocles hanging over his head, did he leap or allow himself to be impaled. The words came out before he even registered what he was saying, "Taehyung." It was a whisper, soft and barely audible. He could tell that the human didn't hear or understand what he had said but the creature did, it's yellow eyes studying him curiously with his head tilted to the side.

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