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There she was, staring at him for the first time in years, looking at him with wide eyes at the man that he had become. At the creature that he was. They had brought her here, brought her here to look at him when they never had before and an all consuming fear like a vice gripped at his chest as he watched from his cage. He wasn't chained, they never did come back for him, but he was still there with the clasps attached, naked as can be, hair long and unkempt from having to air dry in the sun after his meeting with the hose only hours before. He was the epitome of an animal. A wild being locked away for the safety of others. He never wanted Kyungmin to see this. To see him like this. Namjoon wanted her to forget about him, to live her life and move on. To never see the beast that was within him come to the surface like it threatened to now as men flanked her on all sides and gripped her arms with bruising force. His eyes already becoming nothing but black voids and skin rippling as a growl ripped through his chest and out of his mouth before he could even think to tamper it down. He didn't like them touching her, and he knew, that if they were to try and hurt her, he would kill them all...

Kyungmin had grown beautiful, looking so much like their mother from the brief memories he had of her. Sharing the same eyes and nose, same softness in their faces that Namjoon shared in his own. Her skin was paler then his, looking delicate in the grasp of the men dragging her towards the treeline just feet away from his cage. Her feet were heavy as they stopped, forcing her to gaze at him by gripping her jaw when she turned away. There was fear in her eyes and a shine of tears that hadn't been shed, skin of her cheeks starting to blotch in the man's hands. Namjoon on the other hand, could not tear his eyes from hers even if people tried to force him to. He was lost in their reflection. In the image of himself that he saw within them. Of the image they were making her see.

His Master and horde of his men soon came out from the back door of the mansion, the man waltzing forward like a King amongst his pawns. He was dressed as normal, wearing leather, denim, iron and silver. Even when standing among so many men he looked massive, his frame nearly as large as the power he weilded. His Master walked towards Kyungmin, his face expression less as he stopped in front of her, a smirk playing at his lips as he stared her down. There was a fire in her eyes that Nmajoon didn't understand, couldn't place through his own fears and confusion. He said nothing towards her before turning around and snapping his fingers to get his men's attentions. "Get him out of there."
Namjoon couldn't figure out what was going on, none of this made sense. The only thing that he could think of were the words his Master had said to him hours before-


"She will need to be punished though. It's time she learned that she cant always depend on you to fight her battles. But, if you insist. You can take the whip instead, she needs to learn something a little more mental anyways."


Where they going to whip him in front of her?

He didn't have time to ponder on that thought for long because there were suddenly four men around him, one to open his cage as two more unlocked him from his chains and the last locked hum up un his muzzle. For some reason they didn't rechain him like they normally did, seeming to have forgotten but Namjoon knew better. Something was up. He didn't know what, but whatever it was made a chill of dread go up his spine and the claws of fear dig deeper into his chest. Something scurried along the ground in his peripheral and he could hear a tiny series of SQUEAK SQUEAK SQUEAK only a few feet away. He turned slightly towards the sound, wanting to still keep an eye on his sister no matter what, and was surprised to see his little mouse friend scurrying through the grass towards the treeline until they were directly behind Kyungmin where they stayed, unmoving, yet watching. That seemed odd. But he put it to the back his mind at his Masters next words. "Remove the muzzle."

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