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~ Namjoon POV ~

The safe haven was similar to the last, it was deep within the mountains walls but it was a lot more closed in, small but still comfortable enough for three large bodies to fit in without being on top of each other. There were stacks of supplies, most of which he didn't recognize since they were either unfamiliar or in a box with letterings that he could barely read. He supposes now that he was free from Jungwoo he would be able to start reading again, that is, if the Resistance allowed him that luxury and didn't kill him or imprison him outright. His fate was still largely undecided, but with the current events that had just transpired, Namjoon was more certain than ever that he was marching towards his death.

He had not only changed Jimin, but he had forcefully mated him...

God he was going to be sick.

He felt sick to his stomach even. His insides feeling like they were boiling over and becoming soup as he tucked Yoongi into a comfortable position one of the two cots inside of the safe haven and Jimin on the other.

How could he have done this to Jimin? After how kind and careful he had treated him, him caring for him like he did... Namjoon really was a monster. At least, he felt like one.

"Namjoon," Jimin's voice was soft as he called for him, sitting as best as he can in the cot and a grimace on his face. He was still clearly in a lot of pain, but he was handling it well, and Namjoon couldn't help but whimper helplessly at the sight. "Namjoon," He called to him again, this time with open arms but he didn't budge. To him he didn't deserve the kindness Jimin was offering to him. "Please sit with me at least, I can," He swallowed, "I can feel you. Can feel how your feeling right now, so please, let me hold you."

He shook his head, hunching into himself in order to make himself appear smaller, "Namjoon it's okay, you acted on instinct, you did nothing wrong. You saved me."

"I hurt you."

Jimin shook his head, "You saved me Namjoon, I was dying, and you saved my life. You saved Yoongi's life."

"Your bound to me," His voice cracked as he spoke, "I transformed you. You should hate me."

"I don't though, I don't hate you Namjoon. I could never hate you."


~ Yoongi POV ~

What neither party in the room knew was that Yoongi had woken up not long after he had been laid down in the cot and tucked in. Listening to their every word in case they were enemies since he didn't recognize any scents, he did recognize the voices though and that only left him more confused. So he turned on his side and carefully cracked open his eyes so that he could watch the scene play out and figure out what was going on.

The last thing he remembered was that Namjoon had come to save him, that he had busted through the trees and with a deafening roar had stopped Kai from killing him and he had allowed himself to go into the darkness for a bit so that he could combat the toxins flowing through his body. He no longer felt as weak as he did at the time, but he sure felt sore and not up to full capacity like he should.
Namjoon was standing not to far away from him in the center of what looked like their safe haven in the upper range of the mountains, the place was familiar but it had been a long time since he had been there. Jimin was slumping against the wall cross legged in the other cot lined against the wall opposite of his and was looking at the hybrid with worried eyes. He knew that both parties were themselves, he could tell from the little things that they were doing with their hands, having figured out early on their fidgeting habits, but for some reason he just wasn't picking up a scent, and that bothered him the most. It didn't make sense, especially since he was used to the fact with Namjoon, but Jimin, he had always carried around an earthy type of musk that reminded him of fresh rain and dirt. Now, he just smelled like nothing.

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