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~ Namjoon's POV ~

Everything felt weird, his body ached in ways that it had never ached before and he didn't know what to do. It was frightening and all he wanted was to cling onto Jimin despite the fact that Taehyung was right there and looked furious. He was afraid though, afraid of what the phoenix was planning on doing to him with the look that shown in his glowing eyes. A look that was predatory and right now he didn't think he could defend himself if he needed to. Which is why he was grateful that Yoongi interfered when he did because pure terror the likes of which he hadn't felt in years suddenly crashed into him when Taehyung rushed towards them, and even more so when his wings unfurled and sent Jimin crashing to the floor.

He wanted to reach out towards the human, help him up, but he simply couldn't, his whole body was on fire, acheing and leaking in places that it shouldn't be leaking, his lower half and only pair of pants now completely soaked as Yoongi and Taehyung disappeared and he did the only thing that he could think to do in that moment, he called out for Jimin. He needed the small comfort that the human gave him, that he gave him without threats or manipulation tactics like Taehyung so often used. Jimin was so kind to him, so caring, and right now his whole body was calling out for the other desperately.
Jimin came to him, his strong arms helping him to sit up as he cradled him against his solid chest, resting Namjoon's head against his heart as he sniffled and clung to him like a child. So desperate for the affection the other freely offered that he took it without complaint or thought. Just allowed the other to soothe him as he cried until his breathing became even and the world didn't seem so blurry any longer, everything coming back into focus, and he realized that the other was humming softly.

Their eyes met and the humming stopped, but Jimin held onto him tighter, his eyes boring into his own as he studied him, trying to find something in his eyes and Namjoon was left confused, not really knowing what he was looking for. "Are you coherent?"

That answered his question, "Yes."

Jimin nodded, "I need to explain some things to you alright, I need to before you slip under again."

Namjoon nodded obediently, "Alright"

"Did you know that you were a Beta Wolf?" He shook his head and Jimin sighed, "I figured as much, have you ever had a heat before?" He shook his head again, brows furrowing together in confusion as he waited for the human to continue, "That's good. Your doing good," He preened at the praise but Jimin held him back from cuddling closer to his neck like he wanted to which made him pout, "Your experiencing what is called a heat. Beta males can have them when there are no females around so that they can be bred in order to keep the pack alive. That is what is happening right now."

He looked at Jimin puzzled for a moment as he let the words sink in, "But I'm a hybrid?"

Jimin nodded and continued to pet his hair, "Yes, you are, but for all we know you could have stronger wolf DNA then vampire, and that's why this is happening."

He looked at Jimin puzzled for a moment as he let the words sink in, "But I'm a hybrid?"."

"What do I have to do then?"

A pretty red flushed up Jimin's neck and face and it made Namjoon leak more at the sight, "We could wait this out and have you handle this on your own, or," He licked his lips and Namjoon's eyes were drawn to the sight, "I could help you. I could take care of you through it."

He clutched onto Jimin tighter, nervous as he spoke, "H-How would you help me?"

Fingers tilted his chin upwards and his face was suddenly very close to his own, "We would have to have sex Namjoon. I do not have a knot, but that's not really needed anyways. There is no pressure though," His thumb grazed his cheek and rubbed soothingly against his flesh, "I know that you are inexperienced and if you want to handle this on your own I can even coach you through it if you don't know what to do."

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