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"Where are we anyways?"

Taehyung was still hugging him, holding onto him tight and Yoongi soaked in the comfort, "I'm not sure, I know we are still near the cave, but I feel like we may be more towards Jungwoo's estate then we should be."

"I can fly up and look around if you like?"

Yoongi nodded, pulling himself out of the comfort of the others arms, "Yeah, go ahead." Taehyung unfurled his wings and was about to jump up and fly off but he held out a hand for him to wait. "Oh and Taehyung," The other nodded, "What I told you stays between us."

"Alright hyung." With that he crouched at his knees and propelled himself up into the air, his wings gliding against the breeze, thankfully not as injured as Yoongi thought they were as they soared through the sky unbidden and free.

He hates talking about his past, hated looking back at the memories from a time that no longer felt like it was even him, but... it was also nice in a way, to have shared it with the younger. To allow the phoenix in... So far Seokjin had been the only one who knew, the only one he had ever trusted enough and that wasn't even because he had found the strength to tell him... Seokjin had been there to see it all....


He was laying on the ground, wet dirt caked his skin and covered his hair, and rain poured down around him. Yoongi couldn't move, his arms were wrapped around the unmoving swell of his bruised and swollen abdomen, tears running down his cheeks as blood poured out of him in heavy heaps. He was going to die... His baby was...

Footsteps carried over towards his ears and he whimpered brokenly, sounding like a wounded animal that was caught in a trap as someone kneeled over him from behind. He couldn't defend himself even if he tried, he was helpless... weak....

"It will be alright now," The man was picking him up, cradling him in his strong arms as the ocean roared in the backdrop, "I have you."


When Seokjin had saved him, Yoongi didn't expect for his life to change as it had. He had expected to die that night, to die at the hands of the man that was supposed to love him, who was supposed to be his soulmate... But instead he had woken up in the arms of another, someone who tenderly cleaned him and brought him back to life, using a magic that Yoongi could have never imagined to keep him alive for reasons that he would later learn were entirely selfish in the beginning, but didn't matter in the end. His child had survived, the sleeping bundle had been swaddled and taken care of by a man that was not his father, the small cry loud in the silent room as he had opened his eyes and learned that he had been asleep for a little over a months time...

Seokjin hadn't named Yoongi's son, having hope that the other would wake so that he could have the honor, the little wolf loud and desperate to be fed and Yoongi had cried. He had cried so hard, cried for what felt like hours until he couldn't cry anymore. He remembers feeling so many things back then, so many things that had confused and frightened him, but out of everything, the thing that stuck out to him the most was the overwhelming sense of gratitude he felt towards the Naga. Yoongi may not have been a Beta Wolf anymore, he couldn't sense any of the things that he once could, but he was alive, and so was Jaejin.

They were safe...

After that, Yoongi just never left, he stayed by Seokjin's side as they grew closer and closer, eventually the two falling for each other as if it were as natural as breathing. But their happiness wasn't to last for long....

Clutching onto his old mating mark, Yoongi tried to burn out the rest of the memories from his mind. Tried to ignore them and focus on the small family he had at home waiting for him, of his husbands face, his child that looked more and more like HIM every day by his other fathers side...

There was a rustling coming from behind him, his senses suddenly on high alert.

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