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~ Yoongi POV ~

As soon as the words left his mouth, Taehyung went through a series of emotions. First, he was frozen, staring at Yoongi as if the world had been ripped out from under him, eyes wide and jaw clenched, not even breathing; Second, his jaw dropped and a sound that was a weird mixture of a squeak, gasp, and scream came out as he suddenly flailed dramatically and smacked his leg into a tree; Third, anger because as soon as he stopped flailing he reared around to towards him looking murderous. There was fury in Taehyung's eyes and steam started to come off of his body in smoky waves. Tendrils of small flame already starting to spark off of him. Yoongi had only been on the receiving end of this type of anger once before, and while it would petrify most, he wasn't afraid.

Getting up, Yoongi stood his ground and crossed his arms over his chest as Taehyung's large palm grabbed the front of his shirt and he got in his face. "Don't play with me Yoongi. What you just said implies a hell of a lot."

Yoongi placed his hand on Taehyung's wrist gently, not yet applying any pressure, "You might want to remove your hand Kim, or did you forget what happened last time." Yoongi's eyes started to turn a bloody hue around his iris, the whites of his eyes bleeding out as he allowed some of his power to show. "We could stand here and have a pissing contest if you like," He suddenly gripped Taehyung's wrist hard enough for him to yelp, "Or we can sit down like grown ass adults and talk like we were."

They stared at each other, eyes locked in a wordless battle as neither one dared to move, testing and gauging each other's wills before Teahyung turned his head away with a scoff and snapped his hand away from Yoongi's shirt, the other allowing him to go freely without a fight. Neither one of them sat down.

"He killed my parents Yoongi. I fucking saw him in my house, I saw the fucking aftermath, you can't tell me he didn't do it." Taehyung couldn't meet Yoongi's eyes as he spoke, body trembling as he stared at the ground unblinking, tears starting to come to his eyes.

"We have proof that he isn't the only Hybrid to be alive Taehyung, his own sister lives with us remember."

Taehyung snapped his head up to look at him, a few tears escaping as his voice cracked, "She can't transform Yoongi."

"She can," He deadpanned, looking at Taehyung with his head tilted to the side, arms crossed over his chest once more as he bit at his cheek.


"She can Taehyung. Kyungmin can transform."

Taehyung sat back down, hands in his hair and voice broken, "Then why do we even need him?"

Yoongi sat next to him, "Because she is pregnant, she isn't that strong, and the transformation kicks her ass every time. She uses it as a last resort and now we don't even have that up our sleeves because again, she is knocked up, by your best friend no less."

"Why didn't she tell me?" He turned towards him, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I had no right to tell."

With a sigh Taehyung kicked out his feet and took some calming breaths with his hands in his lap, "I think I know what you are trying to tell me then."

"That is?"

"That if Kyungmin can transform and Namjoon can transform that there must be other's that can as well."

Yoongi patted his knee, "This is why you are my right hand."

"So we didn't actually take Jungwoo's secret weapon then did we?"

"We did," Taehyung looked skeptical but Yoongi continued anyways, "We can confirm that Namjoon was the hybrid in question that took apart our forces, killed countless people, and pretty much made it a hell of a lot easier for the fucker to stay in the lead in this war." Reaching into his pants pocket, Yoongi suddenly pulled out a package of cigarettes,

"Can you light this for me?"

"Sure," Spitting out a small flame from his mouth Taehyung lit the cigarette and watched Yoongi as he took a drag. He was used to the other watching him as he smoked, remembering back when they had first become friends, partners, how the phoenix had become angry at him for smoking.


"Hyung, those are going to kill you," The younger had pulled the cigarette from Yoongi's mouth and made it burst into flames until it was nothing but dust in his palm. "Smoking isn't good for you."
The zombie had never been so livid at the younger until that moment, eyes becoming bloody and growl leaving his throat before he tampered it down and remembered that they were friends. "I'm already dead dumbass, smoking isn't going to kill me, but if you take my cigarette again like that your gonna wish you were dead."


Now, Taehyung never got onto him, didn't even complain about the smell, just let him smoke in peace when he needed to. After taking another long drag he finally turned back to the younger to finish what he was saying, "That being said though, just because we can confirm that Namjoon was his weapon of choice. We can not confirm that he didn't have more in his arsenal, one's that weren't as strong as Namjoon, but a good back up in the even that something like this were to happen or he finally died too the excessive amount that he transformed as well as the living conditions he was under. Hell, he probably has a ton of health problems we don't even know about, that he doesn't even know about."

He watched the phoenix as he soaked up all of this information, as he took it in and just sat there, thinking and silent, both of them breathing in the smoke from Yoongi's cigarette until it finally went out and he snubbed it into the dirt. Placing his hand on Taehyung's shoulder, he embraced the other with a small one armed hug, keeping him close until he was ready to speak.

"Are you sure about the imprint?"

Yoongi nodded against his shoulder, "I'm sure."

"What am I going to do?"

He wished that he could tell him, that he could give him an answer that would solve all of his problems, but Yoongi knew that he couldn't. This imprint was complicated, but if there was one thing that he knew, it was that despite his lack of belief, there was a reason behind everything and Taehyung was imprinted now whether he liked it or not. Now he had to make a choice, he could make the most of it, or end up like him...

As if on reflex, he reached up to touch the scar on his shoulder that led up to his neck, the one where his scent gland used to be back when he had been alive. Taehyung's eyes zoomed in on the movement, silent as he studied him until he softly placed his hand over Yoongi's own to feel the mark for himself, tracing the indents of the scar with his fingertips.

"You never did give me the full story on this one Hyung, you've always shied away when I have asked." His voice was softer than it had been since they had started talking, almost sounding like the normal him once more, the him that wasn't under emotional duress.

What was Yoongi to tell him though...

Images started to flash in his mind, almost like they were a movie real inside of his head as he saw how he had died once more...

How he had been saved by Jin...

Twiddling the ring on his finger once more he spoke softly, "This is one that I will take to my grave," He left it that, pulling out another cigarette and asking for a light.

"Didn't you already go to the gave?"

He took a drag after Taehyung lit it once more, "This is one that will go to my next one."

Yoongi looked out into the trees, still on high alert even though he knew that Hoseok's spells would have warned them if someone was coming, mind wandering to years before. To a life time that no longer felt a part of him when he had been in a place similar to Taehyung, destined to someone he would never allow himself to love...

Forced against his will into a mating bond just because of his status....

Then meeting Jin... an ancient being who promised him the world only to lose him as soon as he learned that he could love, that he didn't have to live in abuse...

He took another drag, sucking in the smoke into his already blackened and useless lungs, memories of a time he would rather forget still flashing in his mind as he twiddled his ring and tried to focus on the mission.

They would have to leave soon.

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