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"God damnit!" Yoongi growled, throwing away the corpse of the werewolf he had just killed to the side and hearing it collide with a tree. With one look at the two other creatures on the ground he knew they were up shit creek without a paddle. Both were out of commission, the phoenix was weakened and barely conscious, shaking beneath the weight of the hybrid on top of him who was passed out. The pain of the transformation as well as the attack he had just endured too much for him to handle. He was strong, but everyone, even the most powerful creature had it's limits. There were voices coming towards them, not close, but close enough to make the zombie stand on edge and want to tear things apart.

"Jimin," The human was snooping through some of the werewolves pockets on their shorts and shoving things into his own, "How much weight can you carry?"

He turned towards him, "Not much but I can manage, the bullet passed through my leg so the wound isn't too unmanageable, I can make it though." Yoongi nodded.

"Alright, I need you to get Namjoon and I will give Tae the serum, we need to get away from here now. They aren't on us yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if our trail is picked up within the next twenty minutes if we don't leave within the next five." They both waddled their way to the pair still on the ground, Namjoon looking smaller then he was in his unconscious state, and Taehyung blinking confusedly at them. Yoongi had to help Jimin get Namjoon draped over his back before turning Taehyung onto his stomach. "This is gonna hurt but from the looks of it, you've had worst." The phoenix nodded and braced himself for what the zombie was about to do. It wasn't like they wouldn't grow back with the day anyways.

Ripping the holes that the other's wings poked through on the back of his shirt, Yoongi placed a hand on the pouch where Taehyung's wings folded into on his back, and reached in with a snap of his wrist. Ripping it out from the root as the phoenix muffled his scream by biting his arm bloody. "I'm sorry, I'll be quick," Just as fast as he had done the first one, Yoongi reached into the other pouch and snapped it also. Both wings started sparking a blue flame onto the ground where they fell, burning the forest floor with them as they disintegrated into ash. There were two bloody teeth marks on Taehyung's arms and blood poured from his back as the wounds struggled to close up and heal themselves. "One second and I'm done," Pulling a small vial form his pocket he uprooted it onto the phoenix's back and watched the wounds close up, smoke puffing into the air as his skin stitched together.

"For Namjoon also," Taehyung's voice was small, words almost broken from how hoarse they were.

Yoongi shook his head, "We don't know what it will do to him. His wounds are already closing, and his heartbeat is regular. Right now we need to go, we can tend to him when we are safe." He helped Taehyung stand, "Do you think you can walk?"

The phoenix nodded, "I should be able to."

"Good, I'm going back underground, gotta make sure they can't find us. Jimin," He turned his attention to the human, "You know what to do." With that, his eyes turned a sickly yellow and he morphed with the dirt, seeming to fall through it as if it was water rather than solid earth.


Taehyung wasn't sure how long they had been walking for but he knew that it had been for a while. That it was now getting dark and there was still no sign of Yoongi even though he knew that he was nearby, always twenty feet away in order to make sure nothing was following them. He didn't have to worry about that because he could smell him easily even when he was deep into the dirt. He was surprised that there weren't anymore of Jungwoo's men after them, that they were making it out of there in one piece and relatively intact. He could already feel the burning itch of his wings growing back and it was getting ot the point of unbearable, but he didn't complain. He focused on the world around them as they steadily reached the mountain where their safe house was, and hoped that there sudden stroke of luck would continue into the night.

Namjoon had still not woken up, his breathing labored as his body tried to heal itself despite not being able to because of his dwindling strength. Guilt gnawed at Taehyung's stomach as he thought back to the last few days, how he had not visited the other, but he simply couldn't. If he did, he knew that he would have drawn even more suspicion than he already did. That last night that he had visited the hybrid he knew that he had been caught, knew that the mission was in jeopardy, so he stayed back. Stayed away in order to keep Jungwoo from thinking too much into things and keep Namjoon at least somewhat safe. But, he should have known. Should have known that there was going to be a trap in place.

Though, he still wasn't too sure on what Jungwoo was hoping to accomplish. Yes, he managed to take them by surprise and shoot him down when he had been in the air and managed to get Jimin before he could warn them about the incoming attack, but it almost felt too easy. Almost lazy. As if he was underestimating them or counting on something. Part of him wondered if Jungwoo thought that Namjoon was still on his side, that the hybrid wouldn't betray him and would kill Taehyung for him once he fell. But, that didn't explain the 'mutts'. They had waited, as if Namjoon arriving was the key to them attacking. Surely though, he hadn't intended for them both to die there.... Taehyung just didn't know.

All that he knew was that he was grateful to be alive and while they were currently out of the fire they were by no means out of the oven. He knew Jungwoo, knew him almost better than anyone else in the world, and if there was one thing he knew it was that he was cooking up something for them. There was a reason he had so much control.

"Looks like we are here," Jimin kicked at a small lip to a cave, they were going to have to crawl in in order to fit. "Yoongi!" Took a minute, but the older popped out of the ground and shook the dirt from his hair as he waddled towards them. "Anyone here?"

"Give me a sec," Diving back into the dirt, the zombie disappeared for a few minutes doing who knows what, the sun setting over the horizon and bathing them in darkness when he popped right back out of the ground again and shook his head rapidly once more, "Coast is clear. No on has been following us, but keep your guard up, you never know when they will come. Here," He motioned for Jimin to hand Namjoon over, "I will bring him in." With that, he popped back in the earth once again, the hybrid in his arms and they were gone somewhere inside the cave.

Jimin crawled in first, Taehyung having to push him in the rest of the way when his ass got stuck, and when it was his turn the human had to heave as hard as he could because of the phoenix's wide shoulders not letting him through. With a PLOP they made it in, Yoongi already stoking a green fire in a pit, using one of Hoseok's latest creations so that they could stay warm. Namjoon was already tucked into a blanket, looking softer then he ever looked when awake and Taehyung felt the undeniable urge to boop him on the nose and cuddle him, which was a complete contrast to hours before when he thought he was going to be ripped to shreds by the same man. He knew that he couldn't do it though, so he took a seat on the other side of fire and watched him until the exhaustion set in and his eyes drooped shut, a blanket being laid over him being the last thing he felt before falling into a dreamless sleep.

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