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"Taehyung," Jimin began, his voice soft as he held onto the phoenix from behind, "It's okay, we can figure this out, it's going to be okay."

"How is it going to be okay Jimin!" His voice was wrecked from sobbing but as he spoke he just couldn't stop, "I'm permanently bound to the person who mutilated my parent's. It wasn't just a hit job from a bullet, they were fucking torn to pieces," Taehyung started to shake as he spoke, "He fucking ate them..." It was Yoongi's turn to come to him and the zombie wrapped his arms around both him and Jimin.

"Jiminie is right Taehyungie, it will be okay. There has to be something we can do."

"Hyung..." Taehyung latched onto Yoongi and dipped his head down to cry onto his chest as the older ran his fingers through his hair and Jimin whispered sweet words of comfort in his ear from where he had his head dipped onto his shoulder. He had been holding onto this for so long, and while the pain was unbearable, having two of his closest friends hugging him and reassuring him no matter how empty their words felt made things a little better. "You know we are going to have to wake him soon, the longer we stay here, the easier it will be for them to catch us," Yoongi spoke softly, still combing his fingers through Taehyung's hair, but he was still stern in his tone. Teahyung could cry all he wanted to later in the safety of their 'home', right now they were in enemy territory and he needed to collect himself.

"Is he even capable of being woken up?" Taehyung, despite everything, was still worried about Namjoon, the imprint making him care more than he would like to.

Jimin nodded, his head still pressed to his back, "That's where I come in."

Taehyung turned around to look at him, "What do you mean?" He had a feeling he knew what he meant and he gave him a heavy glare in disapproval.

"Don't give me that look," Jimin pinched his nipple, "After what you told us just now there is no way in hell I'm allowing you to give him blood. You know damn well that that's the only way we are getting him up. His body needs to heal and your officially not allowed near him from this moment forward."

He continued to glare, "Your injury?"

"Is healed, Hoseok made me some tablets to, and I know how to handle predators." He wiggled his brows and while normally that comment would have been funny, right now Taehyung felt something ugly churning in his stomach at the implication of his words.


The zombie shook his head in the negative and there was that ugly feeling again, and part of Taehyung knew what it was, but he sure as hell wasn't going to admit it. He couldn't look at it. If he did, then it was like the imprint had won.

Seeing that there wasn't going to be anymore said about it, Yoongi gave a tired and heavy sigh, "Jimin, handle it. Get him up and among the living, Taehyung, come with me. I need you to scout the area from the sky as I take the ground. After that I expect his ass," He pointed at Namjoon, "To be up and ready to go because we are going to pack what little shit we can carry from this place and try to get to the next rest stop before sun down."


"No but's Taehyung."

"We can't just leave Jimin with him!"

"We can, we will, and we have done worse! It's your imprint that is calling for you to stay because your heart screams mate right now, and if you continue to give in to it then it will be even harder for us to come up with a way to break it."

Taehyung bristled, "I'm worried about my friend you jacka-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence Taehyung, I am your hyung and your commanding officer on this mission, now go before I kick your ass." Yoongi didn't have to yell to get his point across, all he had to do was look Taehyung dead in the eyes and stare at him with his hard expressionless stare in order to make the other look down at the ground in shame.

"Sorry," With that, Taehyung squeezed though the hole with some wiggling, popped his wings out from their sacks along his back, and flew off into the afternoon air. His wings were sore, but he pushed it down, focusing on scouting the area so that he could hurry back to check on his friend. Even though deep down he knew that he just wanted to be with Namjoon...


Jimin and Yoongi shared a look, both of them looking lost for words about what just went down. Finally, Jimin spoke, "Try to get him alone and talk to him. We should probably keep this between us for now, we can inform the others once things are settled."

"Jimin, this can't remain a secret."

"Why not?" Jimin wasn't angry, he just wanted to know what the other was thinking.

"Because we need Namjoon. This wasn't just a courtesy to Kyungmin, no matter how much we all care for her and Kookie. If we have any hope of winning this war we need him and with them now bound to each other that gives the enemy a giant target to aim at when it comes to weaknesses."

Jimin scoffed, "Your married and our commander, don't you think Jin is an even bigger target then Tae would be?"

"No," Jimin looked like he wanted to interrupt but he closed his mouth into a thin line, "Jin isn't accessible. He isn't on the front lines and a wanted man. They don't even know he exists. Taehyung on the other hand, has an even higher bounty on his head then I do. And now that Namjoon has left Jungwoo's side, that is if he isn't a double agent, which we still need to make sure of, he is going to be a walking target as well. If word gets out that they are imprinted to each other do you have any idea on what type of chaos we will have knocking at our door."

"We can just break it-"

"We can break it for Namjoon but you know as well as I do that Tae is a different story, there has to be something though, there is always a loophole."

"If it's as dangerous as you say then that's even more reason to keep it between us hyung, at least for a little while."

Yoongi closed his eyes in thought and pinched the bridge between his eyes and nose, "I will think on it."

"Thank you."

He then turned towards the wall facing the hole, "I'm going to go scout the area. Make sure he is awake by the time I get back and if he tries to kill you do what you have to do, I trust you to handle yourself and him." The zombie then jumped and sunk into the dirt as if he was never there, burrowing outside to survey the area and leaving Jimin alone with a still unconscious Namjoon.

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