enty: whoa this is different

"yea not natural"

suddenly a large flash happens and piorun looks around and sees new surroundings blinking a few times trying to see if her eyes where playing tricks

they were not looking around the entire world was tinted red and across from them several sakren and siren ships were sitting there, we see Akagi hovering above a rock and she yell out

Akagi: azur lane I welcome you to my sea

enty: piorun deal with the siren ships


we see piorun rush off the side of enterprise's ship and summon her riggings she charges the first one she sees quickly she fires off a shot but it barely made a dent

*ok then they upgraded how about this?*

quickly she dumps torpedos into the water hitting their marks the ship started to capsize but the siren ship kept firing at her a shot aimed at her shoulder landed hitting her rigging at the last moment

*that would have hurt*

suddenly the siren ship fired again and struck her in the leg, oil and blood poured out

*damn I need to get the oil out*

mentally she turned off her fuel supply and the oil stopped leaking she wipes the blood and oil off to look at the wound looking closely she decides to ignite her hand on fire and burn the wound Cauterizing the wound shut she screams out in pain and looks up both her eyes glowing now she charges and starts to tear her way through a different ship as she saw the other one go down opening her fuel supply she cuts her way through she reaches the engines and she decides to leave a present leaving to and lighting it she exits the ship it explodes taking out smaller ships around it

looking at the water she sees a large amount of oil surrounding the sirens near her she lights it the ships started to panic light flashing and more as they were consumed by the flames one by one the lights on them start to fade like the lights in a person's eyes when they die

we see her look over and see Enterprise hit the water


she starts to rush toward where the carrier fell suddenly a brilliant yellow light erupted from the water slowly expanding she tried to run but she was consumed as well

unknown location

piorun looks around it was dark and gloomy she was surrounded by scrap and fire in the distance she sees two figures she approaches as she does, she hears voices talking

*why do they both sound like enterprise?*

taking a closer look she sees Enterprise standing across from another person she wore similar clothes but they were different she had longer hair and a face filled with sorrow

suddenly altrun appeared next to her

"gah mm"

altrun: shh

ripping the arm off of her mouth she whispers

"why and how are you here?"

altrun: I never left your mind I was just in a state of sleep but I felt a disturbance

"and that is?"

altrun: her

we see altrun pointing at the disheveled enterprise

"who is she?"

altrun: a future version of your enterprise also known as ash or code G

"a meta?"

altrun: yes now shut up

we see Enterprise look skeptically at ash

enty: who are you?

ash: that doesn't mater

enty: I think it 

but before she could finish that sentence she was knocked out by ash

ash: now to stop this

suddenly a large flash blinded piorun looking around she saw icebergs and a dark sky

"oh no"

looking around she saw no one she began to move slowly to maneuver her ship looking up at the cliffs of ice around her seeing if she could spot any planes returning to their carriers

"shit no luck"

opening her radio channels and scanning it all she got was static

"damn I hoped I was wrong on that"

end of chapter

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