Chapter 31

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after entering iron blood piorun managed to scrap together an identity for herself and her kids and over the course of 5 years she has opened a small shop near an ironblood naval base and managed to keep herself on the down low and managing to get her kids enrolled into a school


"welcome how may I help?"

we see a woman with blond hair and blue eyes dressed casually but she held a military bearing naturally

???: yes I was wondering if you carried any baking supplies?

"ah baking yes we do it in the back near the frozen items"

???: thank you

we see the women walk over and grab a few items and preceded to the counter to pay

"lets see your total is 12.48"

???: good now do you have any liquor?

"yes we do"

 ???: just a case of beer

"coming right up"

she grabs a case from behind the counter and adds to the total

???: and here you go

quickly taking the money on the counter and returning the change she sees the woman leave

*its getting late I should start to close up*

we see her approach the door and flip the sign and she began to sweep up the dirt from the day's customers suddenly the phone starts to ring

*odd, must be someone asking if we have something in stock?*

placing down the broom she picks up the receiver and places it to her head

"Marie's mercantile what can I do for you today?"

she hears ragged breathing on the other end


???: sorry, I just ran home, I was wondering if you have any lantern oil in stock?

"oh it's fine, and we do, you can come in tomorrow if you want to pick it up?"

???: that will be fine now goodbye

"pleasure doing business"

she hears the line click and then go dead

*its nice*

we see her glance at the clock and see it strike 9

*i should get going*

we see her leave the small store and lock it behind herself and begin walking through the town and eventually she makes it to her home opening the locks she enters to see a dark living room

*the kids probably already went to bed*

she walked to the fridge and opened it grabbing a cold beer and a plate bierock for herself

she takes a seat and eats in silence noting the time when she finished was around 11 at night

she leaves the house and enters civilian docks that is a few blocks away summoning her rigging that is showing some disrepair over the years she sails doing her own patrol it was a quiet night just the sound of the waves no ships in sight siren or other she begins to sing a old song that she can remember her crew used to sing

"Oh, I bid farewell to the port and the land

 And I paddle away from brave England's white sands

 To search for my long ago forgotten friends

a ship of lightningTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon