Chapter 30

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location cell

several hours later

we see anna wake up and glance around the cell and see her sister still out, she approaches and shakes her awake we see the blue eyes on arch open and see the room and widen in panic

arch: this isn't good

anna: wheres mom?

arch looks around and sees nothing to indicate where their mother would be, her heart rate starts to raise in fear she begins to take deep breaths to calm herself down and begins to look at the bars seeing that they are very well made but then she noticed something she still felt a connection to her rigging

arch: could this work?

summoning her rigging the snake slithered through the bars and around a bar to the set of keys it grabs it with its mouth ad slithered back to arch dropping it at her feet and climbing up to her neck and resting there

bending over to grab the keys she stuck her hand through the bars and put the key into the lock and twisted it after a loud click the door swung open, arch grabs her sister by the wrist and began to walk down the different corridors searching for her mother and avoiding the sounds of footsteps and voices 

as she walked she heard a voice but it sounded like it was recorded on old equipment as she approached the voice she sees a door and opens it as quietly as she could poking her head in she glances around and sees a tv on with tester asleep in the couch in front of it

 pulling anna closer and entering the room they approached the table with a cover and began to look at the screens trying to figure out how to turn it off as she looked at it she sees a list of different processes happening but none of them made any sense to her as she flipped through more screens she sees the option for power shut off clicking the button the cover stopped humming and started to slowly roll back for storage 

seeing her mother she starts to shake her body back and forth trying to wake her her mother's eyes snapped open both glowing yellow and arcs of electricity started to arc but as quickly as that happened she slammed her hand into her face and it immediately died out both of her eyes now a crimson red we see her glance around the room and then at her daughters she stands up and speaks in a dark tone

"we need to go now"

we see piorun start to rush off with the kids running as fast as they could behind her but as they run they see piorun get more and more agitated

suddenly she places her hand on the wall the action itself is seemingly normal but suddenly a hole formed straight through to the outside 


as piorun walk through the hole she made, an alarm starts to go off alerting  the facility that they are escaping as they ran several high sirens fired shots at them and missed, but they managed to exit the facility and drop into the water suddenly a hum filled the air and a shell goes flying by clipping piorun's side and leaving a wound


looking at where the shot came from she sees puri floating there with her weapons aimed

puri: well let's have some fun shall we?

we see puri charge her and piorun did something unexpected she opened her storage portal and let Puri fly into it and quickly closes it

"that will be a pain"

she opens the portal to see purifier fly out with several burns

*the hell happened?*

then she realized what happened

*Did she really mess with the jet engine?*

"well, cooked shark it on the menu isn't it?"

we see purifier get pissed off at the comment and charge

quickly dodging to the side she grabs a bit of thermite and shoved it into the rigging, igniting it we see a bright light come from it and begin to slowly make its way down burning and destroying as it goes, the lights on the rigging start to flicker and finally cutout, quickly hitting puri in the head with a few thousand volts to go along with it she starts to run from the siren base,

after several hours of it being very quiet, she lowers her guard and begins to try to find any of her friends she opens the radio and begins to listen but she started to hear concerning reports of her being retrieved, dead or alive

*what the hell?*

as she continues to listen she realizes there is an active manhunt against her

*I need to hide until I can prove my innocence*

as she continued to sail she realized she will have to find a place were no sane person would expect her to be

*iron blood*

she begins to make preparations to hide her ship and began to sail towards Ironblood waters she grabs dark clothing and a hat to hide her hair along with a pair of sunglasses grabbing more stuff to hide her kids she begins to teach them German but tells them not to talk much 

"we need a good name to hide"

anna: I want to keep mine

"that's fine your name in the shortened form is ironblood, anyways but arch you need one"

arch: how bout linda?

"that works and ill go by marie"

as they had several hours till they make shore they kept an eye out for anything as they were on their own now

end of chapter

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