Chapter 10

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we see piorun wake up in her room

*that was a weird dream*

after getting ready for the day she hears a knock on the dore



"whos there?"

???: it me belfast are you ready?

"yea one sec"

piorun grabs her phone and exits to see Belfast standing in the hall with Prinz and enty

"did not expect an entourage"

enty: I hope that was sarcasm

"It was, why am I in trouble?"

enty: no just unsure about this research

"eh not surprised hey maybe you'll get lucky lucky E"

enty: really a pun on a nickname?

"yep how about breakfast first tho"

belfast: of course, i was planning to bring you all there anyways

as the group walked prinz talked to piorun in german

prinz: why did you request me as an assistant?

"because your country already messed with the tech so you can help boost the research"

prinz: oh * disappointed tone

"and i see you a fun person to be around you really take the meaning of work hard play hard to heart

prinz: oh *happy tone

enty: why are you two conversing in Ironblood?

"she asked a question which she found embracing and as I understand the language she asked me and it was also on a personal note"

enty: ok ill not pry further

"much apprshated"

belfast: and we are here

time skip brought to you by breakfast and a walk to the lab

"this is more than i expected"

enty: what it was for ship r&d so it has a few docks for very large ships

"you said old this all looks brand new"

belfast: oh that we had bulens and Manjuu work on it

"neither of those words mean jack shit to me"

belfast: no need for the vulgarity an Manjuu are the little birds around base the bulen are artifacts from the creation of a ship girl

"the little yellow ones?"

enty: the very same

"alright then say do we have spare wisdom cubes?"

enty: we do but they are highly regulated why?

"wanted to see the effect of directly shooting one with a siren gun"

enty: ok that seems interesting but what about the possibility of an explosion?

" shield"

enty: ok I guess that works then

time skip by enty grabbing cubes and piorun taking a siren gun off the captured ship

"alright we have the cube and the gun"

prinz: what about the power source

piorun stairs at prinz for about 5 secs

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