Chapter 41

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a few weeks later we see Piorun walk down the street holding a steady eye on the area around her, there have been reports of raised kansen activity in this section of the city, but this street was quiet at the moment all except for the stray animal or lone individual.

*huh it's a little too quiet*

she kept walking what sunlight that filtered through the clouds dimly lit her path as she walked, looking around her she saw heavy drapes in the windows meant to be used to block all light from exiting the home 

*at least some things don't change*

she feels a change in the air around her almost as if it has become hostile

*what the*

glowing portals opened around her and sirens walked out

"well, fuc-"

she gets hit by a sirens weapon discharged one she recognized 

Puri: "Well well well if it isn't the little destroyer who escaped"

Purifier was hovering a few inches off the ground slowly descended, and started to walk towards her, piorun started to get back up with a few gasps of air

"why the fuck do you guys always appear at the worst times"

purifier seems to ignore that comment and pulls out a weapon she recognized from that siren ship that nearly killed her, her face pales when she sees it

Puri: "Oh so it does remember this toy"

purifier placed her arm into the weapon and it lit up with a yellow and red light the air filling with a low hum, a sadistic grin shows on her face as it slowly gets louder, piorun summons her rigging, and braced as it fired on her, hitting squarely in the chest knocking her back, and making her lose consciences

Puri: "Huh less kickback than I expected, now"

she flies over to piorun who got knocked back through a building, Puri opens a portal and drags her body through it.

several hours later in an unknown location

Observer: "Good to see you managed to capture her"

Puri: "It helped with the new stuff tester gave me"

Tester: "Thank you, now we shall continue those tests we had perhaps we can figure out how her fire works"

Observer: "Perhaps we should leave a small gift?"

observer pulls out a yellow wisdom cube from a portal as she said this

Tester: "Oh that would be a first what would happen with a siren and kansen cube in the same body?"

several hours later in the lab piorun was in the tube again and a display was showing 5%

Tester: "well i guess i should watch it while it runs then"

several hours passed with the percentage slowly rising at the 4-hour mark it was at 15% at the 6-hour mark it was at 23% and it keeps going until it completes  after 20 hours of scanning, tester walks over with the yellow wisdom cube and places it onto Pioruns chest letting it naturally bind to her, it sinks in completely

Tester mutters about how physical changes will take a while to manifest and exits the room locking it behind her

several hours later in the room, it was dark suddenly the tube started to glow orange with flames poking out the gaps in shots of flame the cover burns off revealing a piorun still asleep  surrounded in a torrent of flame burning anything in the room, her body shifts and she opens her eyes both glowing yellow her skin tone shifted to be more akin to sirens, white as snow, she gets up and the flames die down as she walked towards the door suddenly alarms started to blare 

*ah fuck it*

she ignites in flame and punches through the door and tears a hole open and walks through it looking down both directions of the hall she sees dozens of sirens down both ends all wearing some version of firefighters gear holding weapons

"well that simplifies the issue"

suddenly the hall was filled with a storm of flame filling the place with heat forcing the sirens to back off only for a moment before a few other extremely brave or foolish ones charged in at her

suddenly what the sirens saw through the curtain of flame was the bodies of their fellow sirens flying past them with a hole in them or limbs missing slamming into the ground behind them

what they saw in the flame was nothing but a nightmare, yellow eyes piercing through the curtain of flame, blood that was slowly burning off her fist, and a pile of bodies of the few sirens that didn't get launched from her blows, she starts to walk towards them, making the majority of them run in fear for their lives, leaveing the few foolhardy ones who decided to give it another try to kill her, they charged only to meet their end with a hole in there chest or missing a limb.

after clearing the hallway she starts to walk for a bit before finding an exit

*so long and thanks for the upgrade*

end of chapter

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