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Navy ship scrapyard


We see a destroyer, with workers preparing to start work on the day the ship has been fated to be scrapped, even after all of its exploits in the hands of the Polish. We also see a faint outline of a female onboard. No one takes notice of her, but she appears to be fairly sad while looking around. We notice her hair color is a very light blond, almost white, with a small shape appearing in her hair, that of which is a lightning bolt. Her eyes are shown in a crimson red, and her stature is about 5'9, slender but does not appear weak. Her outfit appears to be civilian in nature, a t-shirt and a pair of what appear to be jeans with a chain clipped to the belt loops. We see her grab the chain and pulled out what it was connected to, that being a pocket watch. Engraved on the watch was the phrase "fair seas and following winds", and on this side was an anchor in front of a Union Jack. She flips it over, and we see the same phrase but in Polish, "czyste morza i pod??aj?ce za nimi wiatry". This time we see the Polish freedom navy crest, that of an eagle sitting on an anchor wearing a crown. She opens it, showing the watch face, saying the time on it. The other side was a compass spinning wildly, seemingly unconnected to the earth's magnetic pole.

Suddenly, the sky grew dark, making a lot of workers look up in confusion, and it started to rain hard. We saw the compass start to point somewhere, but not in the direction of a typical compass. The pocket watch started to tilt upwards at the storm, and after it did that, a bright crack of lightning slammed down on the ship. But that wasn't it. After that, another hit, then another, and it kept going, slamming into the ship as if it had a vendetta against it. Soon the storm dissipated, leaving several workers on the dock dazed and confused as they looked in the dry dock.

It was empty.

The scene changes, and we find ourselves in the middle of a battle between Azur Lane and Crimson Axis.

???: "It's her. Eagle Union's strongest carrier."

In the distance, we see a carrier of the Yorktown class with a woman on top. We see her put her hand out, and she shouts, "Enterprise, engage!" Suddenly, the ship started to glow at the seams or welds. The carrier deck also glows, and the ship disperses into thousands of cubes, all of them flying toward her. The carrier deck appears on her right, and a bow appears to be the citadel of the ship. We see her hop onto an SBD Dauntless, but as she approaches the giant fox, weaving her way through black ships with red outlines, the sky darkens, and it started to rain hard. The sea starts to churn, and we see several girls start to wobble as the seas roughen. Then lighting started to strike, but weirdly only in one spot repeatedly turning the spot it was striking to steam, which ignited as the next strike happened. Soon, it looked like an ever-presiding lightning bolt hitting the water, but just as fast as it happened, the storm subsided, leaving what appears to be a destroyer sparking with electricity and small flooms of fire out of the smokestack as the ship started to move forwards. Everyone looked on in shock, surprise, and even awe. The fox somehow disappeared during the storm, leaving two women, one in red and one in blue.

???: "Kaga, we will retreat now."

Kaga: "But why Akagi

Akagi: we did what we intended to do, and that storm somehow forced you to unsummon your fox, so we'll leave now

Kaga: very well sister

as the two women left unnoticed by the rest as all of them are still staring at the destroyer that was moving not away but toward the port, the flag stand had 2 identifying flags one was the Polish flag the other was the British flag none of the ship girls recognized either flag and on a separate flagstaff was a white flag signifying that the ship had nonhostile intentions as it head toward the port the fire out of the smokestack died out and the lighting seemed to dissipate as it docked we see the ships lights cut out

???: who is that?

???: no idea, enterprise, no idea

???: that ship seems familiar

enterprise: does it Wales?

Wales: yes it does, but to make sure, Cleveland

Cleveland: yea?

wales: I want you to come with me to look at the ship

Cleveland: alright

as we see the duo approach the lights on the destroyer kicked back on but nothing else happens, as they continued to approach they saw a girl on board walking around seemingly confused taking notice of the two girls approaching her she looked at them apprehensively trying to show no signs of hostility

wales: hello who are you?

???: well, I have 3 names. Which one do you want?

wales: the one you prefer.

???: well, then it's Piorun.

wales: well Piorun I would like to talk to you along with some of the others, is that ok

Piorun: well as I don't know where I am how I got here exactly and what happened, I don't see a problem with it

wales: great then follow me to the meeting

Piorun: ok

end of prologue

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have a meme

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