Chapter 13

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we see piorun with Prinz and  the children relaxing in the park Yorkey, and Biscuit are playing tag with javelin, and unicorn, unicorn's u Chan and Biscuit's Oskar are sleeping in a small pile under a tree

"so hows it been here?"

Prinz: well better than I expected honestly even tho I'm a pow I'm treated well

"Well eagle union apparently have their own version of geniva"

Prinz: really?

"yea its manly the treatment of prisoners but its kinda there"

Prinz: huh didn't know that

"yea, random thought why were you stationed at sakura empire?"

Prinz: iron blood was sending supplies for a project Orochi but with barely any details we began to get suspicious of this project and I was sent to find out what it was

"Well did you find out?"

Prinz: well from the context it was talked about in I assume a large ship

"you know how little that narrows it down"

Prinz: as I said not much other than a large ship

we see Wales approaching interrupting the conversation

wales: hello piorun we are currently having a meeting that we would like your input on

"how important?"

wales: our spies in the sakura empire are cornered on a small abandoned island

"well shit ill go then, Prinz watch the kids and see if you can get them a place to sleep"

Prinz: sure

piorun gets and quickly follows Wales to the room where the meeting was being held we see several people there notably Belfast, enterprise, hornet, and several other people

"hey guys so whats the situation?"

Belfast: well  currently we have some fellow ship girls stuck on an abandoned island south of the sakura empire's main base

" could it be a small island chain called the northern mariana islands?"

wales: yes how did you know?

"well it was an educated guess as you said south and those islands are not to far off"

enty: fair but you're from another world how would they carry the same name?

"our world history isn't too different until about 1912 which also lets me know this island is a territory of eagle union"

hornet: well arnt you firing on all cylinders

"eh did a little reading now whos on this mission?"

Belfast: Edinburg and Sheffield

"Oh so your sisters"

wales: wait isn't Sheffield a town class?

"yes and there are three sub-classes in that class most notably the Edinburg sub class"

wales: why is this not noted in our records?

"different world official records may differ"

hornet: now this is a nice lesson but the task at hand?

"right sorry so an abandoned island do we have an idea of the fleet they have?"

enty: not really we know that they have a small armada of siren ships

"I could use that aginst them"

hornet: how?

"you know the siren ship in port?"

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