Chapter 22

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next day

we see piorun already up with Anna and Arch asleep

*I should stock up my portal storage*

we see piorun placing things into her portal storage ranging from food to more questionable things

*let's see red iron oxide, and aluminum powder, magnesium strips, and a empty container*

we see the portal close after the empty container was placed inside

*ok let's test this on the test pieces I got from that siren ship*

we see piorun walk out and to the lab we see enty walk up to her

enty: hey

"what ya doing at the lab?"

"testing something"

enty: testing what?

"you want to watch?"

enty: sure?

we see piorun enter in to the lab and enty sit down near by we see piorun open a portal

enty: wha how!?

"took apart the siren version made my own pocket dimension that I use for storage"

enty: oh ... kay?

we see Piroun take out the iron oxide, aluminum powder, and the empty container she fills it with about 3 ounces of red iron oxide and then places 1 ounce of aluminum powder and closes the container and shakes it till the color was a lighter red she grabs a square of the siren hull and places it on the ground we see her pour the mixture on it and she places a magnesium strip in the pile she lights it and walks away, the magnesium burned brightly then the mixture lit up burning a hole through the piece of siren hull

"that worked better than I expected"

enty: what is that?


enty: huh 


enty: what are you thinking?

"well if I could find a siren main base and make this mixture into a paste that sticks to things I could burn a hole through the wall of one"

enty: I see anything else?

"it can also burn after being submerged so a siren sub has no chance"

enty: ill leave you to it then

we see enty glance around

enty: wheres the kids

"sleeping last i checked"

enty: ok just a suggestion keep them away from arc royal

"eh I know she can be a little overbearing"

enty: good now ima leave you to your science

"see ya"

we see enty leave the lab and piorun begins to test more things eventually we see several ship girls watching her work while she's completely oblivious to it

"let's see and fire"

we see a laser fire out of a siren cruiser gun and hit a barrier of reinforced concrete piercing right through

"ok and fire"

we see a laser fire out of a siren cruiser gun and hit a barrier of steel and leaving a scorch mark

"so that's HE then whats this?"

we see her turn a knob and fire, a laser pierces the steel

"that's AP then"

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