Chapter 12

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we see piorun walking with the two kids and Prinz the kids had ice cream and were enjoying them

"be on your best behavior alright"

yorkey and biscuit both nod their head

"ok so biscuit please try not to hide at the sight of hood shes not the same as the one that sank you"

biscuit: o ok ill try

"that's my girl come on we are running late"

at the royal gardens

"sorry if I'm late"

hood: it quite alright and I see you brought along the kids as well

"well I do need to keep a eye on them"

illustrious: why is there kids?

"well I was doing some research and well about 5 small surprises happened"

illustrious nearly choking on her tea in shock

illustrious: 5 there's more?

"yep child versions of hornet enterprise and Belfast, along with these two Yorktown and bismarck"

illustrious: bismarck?

"yes but please don't do anything  to her they are different people"

illustrious: i never intended to i just was confused on how she is here as the rest is azurlane

"that is fair i don't know really it was just random but please show her courtesy"

illustrious: may i speak with her?

"as long as she would like to"

illustrious: its alright

"biscuit some one would like to talk to you"

biscuit: who?


we see the kid start to sweat

biscuit: o o ok 

we see biscuit walk up to the table and take a seat and in a very quite voice said

biscuit: hi

illustrious: why hello dear how are you?

biscuit: I'm alright just scarred

illustrious: don't be your among friends

as biscuit and illustrious talk we see piorun turn to hood

"hey hood so is the queen running late?"

hood: it appears so she usually is quite punctual about things

we see bel run-up to the group

"whoa their bel what is it"

bel: the queen has fainted


bel: the shock of seeing me overwhelmed her"

"oh we should go see if shes alright and see if she need medical attention"

hood: that would be for the best

"prinz can you stay here and watch the little ones?"

prinz: of course

as piorun get up to check on the queen hood dose as well to help in silance they follow bel to the queen after arriving the see belfast putting the queen in to a seat

"how is she?"

belfast: she seems fine but I cant get her to wake

"may I try something?"

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