Chapter 4

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"piorun speaking"

*piorun thinking*

on the way back Eugen only ever shifted in her bonds staying knocked out, when they returned they ran into Wales and illustrious Piorun seeing them decided to grab Prinz and activate her riggings more exactly her plate armor when wales saw her she saw a girl wearing plate armor with g65 off the ship painted on the left side holding prinz in their arms

"hey wales"

wales is now in shock recognizing who was in Piorun arms

wales: wha how?

"how what?"

wales: how did you capture prinz eugen?

"I defeated her in combat"

wales: I need an explanation in the report for this later

"where should i put her?"

wales: is she injured?

"uh her rigging is disabled and I gave her a pretty good shock"

wales: take her to the base hospital vestal should be here soon.

"oh a repair ship is always good to see anyways see ya"

wales: goodbye

with this Piorun takes the still unconscious Prinz to the medical facilities several other girls look at her in disbelief at what they see after finally arriving at the hospital she enters and places Prinz in an empty room and stood guard till vestal enters

*I wonder if there are any medical journals here?*

*it would help with injuries on the battlefield and it can help me find non lethal ways to disable others*

as piorun is having a little internal debate with herself we see a girl with purple hair and a nun outfit approach

???: hello are you piorun?

"yes and you?"

???: ah yes my name is uss vestal.

"then you are just who I need to see"

vestal: why?

"well i captured prinz eugen and i wasn't the kindest about it"

vestal: let me see her.

"all right"

piorun opens the door and lets Vestal in to see a now very disoriented Prinz Eugen

"so how long have you been awake?"

Prinz: uh about 5 minutes or so?

vestal stands in surprise at the iron blood heavy cruiser due to the fact she had no iron blood accent currently.

vestal: Do you both mind telling me what happened between you two?

piorun starts to sweat nervously as does Prinz at the question that sounded more like a threat

"s s sure when I was with the fleet to save Hornet I was keeping a guard up for enemies and Prinz shows up and fired on us I managed to catch the shell."

vestal at hearing the last part looks incredulously at Piorun

vestal: how? you look uninjured?

"I'll explain that later as it is easier to show"

vestal: fine

"anyways when she came in to view and made her identity known to us I teased her and managed to make her angry"

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