Chapter 34

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morning the next day

looking out the window of her store she sees several groups of iron blood soldiers walking  around and questioning random people one enters her store


"hello how can I help?"

soldier: I was wondering if you had soda for sale?

"yes we do its near the frozen section"

soldier: thank you

we see the man walk to the back and grab a soda and walk back to the front grabbing a couple of bags of snacks, giving a small smile she starts some small talk

"long day?"

soldier: yeah, we had a break in at the naval base but they found no evidence other than a computer log 


soldier: yeah and its weird the cameras picked up nothing

"might be that ghost kansen you guys are chasing"

we see the soldier freeze and then look closely at piorun

soldier: where did you hear about the kansen?

 "I was called in earlier yesterday for some reason but it was canceled as it was how did she put it?, fact my ass?"

soldier: I see well

he slides a few marks across the counter

soldier: have a nice day and keep the change

"why thank you"

we see the man exit the store and walk over to a small group of solders

*he was nice*

noticing another person approaching the store she placed the marks on the counter into the register

the person enters it was hipper again

"why hello there again"

hipper: hey

we see her walk around the store grabbing a soda and a box of brandy chocolate

"not a bad choice but I would suggest going light on the drinking"

we see Hipper look at her giving a look of recognition at what she said

hipper: *sigh* I guess your right I should try to clean up my act

"may I suggest something else?"

hipper: go for it

"well I would go with the Herman hard candies they last a good while and its fairly easy to keep track"

hipper: huh I'll give it a shot

"alright then and its on the house"

we see Hipper's head snap back to her

hipper: what?

"you can have it for free"

hipper: why?

"well you remind me of an old friend and will I would hate to see them in this situation"

hipper: I see

"now take care then"

we see Hipper grab a glass jar full of hard candies and approach the counter to pay for her soda

"sweetie, the soda included with that deal"

we see Hipper stop and give a small smile

hipper: t t thank you

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