Chapter 43

442 19 9

3 days later royal navy courtroom

Belfast: all rise for Her honorable majesty queen Elisabeth.

we see the room full of kansen stand up from the eagle union representatives who took off their hats in respect, to the Suakra empire representatives who bowed in respect to the royal navy who stood at attention when Queen Elizabeth sat down at the judge's seat everyone sat

clack the sound of the gavel was heard throughout the quiet courtroom

Queen Elizabeth looked around the courtroom and then at Piorun and smiled

QE: we are here for Piorun's case

the room was silent the small selection of jurors was quiet some were giving Piorun a smile such as new jersey but others like arc royal were giving her a death glare

*that's unnerving*

Altrun: well yeah you did hit her with a folding chair

*oh yeah and I haven't heard from you in a while*

Altrun: the author forgot my existence 


AN: no breaking the fourth wall 

take two

Altrun: I was in a deep sleep sorry

*that's fine now what?*

Altrun: wait your cube

*what about it?*

Altrun: why is it reading like a siren cube?

*look into my memories youll see*

Altrun: fine *few seconds of silence* WHAT THE FUCK!!

piorun flinches and some of the other kansen looked at her with an odd look

*don't fuckin yell*

Altrun: sorry just a bit of a shock

*just go back to sleep*

Altrun: fine

piorun stood there having this conversation in her head as Queen Elizabeth arranged papers on the desk

QE: majority of the charges leveled against you have been dropped, all except two, those being evading arrest and deserting, unless you can bring new evidence to light to get one of those charges dropped.

Piorun looked at her then to biscuit who was sitting in the visitor stands

"May I call a witness?"

QE: Proceed

"I call kms bismarck to the stand better known as biscuit"

a large amount of the stand perked up hearing this as did the crowd in the visitor's stand, as Biscuit walked to the witness stand next to Queen Elizabeth

QE: do you kms bismarck swear

Biscuit: fuck

QE: as in promise 

Biscuit: oh

QE: to tell the truth and only the whole truth

Biscuit: i swear

QE: piorun you may approach the stand for questioning

piorun walks into the middle of the court room and stops when she reaches the center

"biscuit when you went to disapear for several years what did you say you did?"

Biscuit: I said i setted up a spy network in Ironblood

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