chapter 1.3

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In the classroom among the massive chattering Ember noticed a small and faint smile on Adria's lips at that moment she knew that something Anomalous was going to happen. She asked Adria curiously, "what's with the smile?"


"Well.... Okay", Ember said with a disbelief tone.

Adria just walked the way through the crowd that surrounded the gorgeous boy who was just admitted to the school but she couldn't care less. She received a call just as she started to walk to the class which made her drive to her extensive bungalow in a rushed bunking the school.


She reached her house feeling tensed up for some mysterious reason. She signed and layed down on her cosy bed falling asleep instantly.

In her dreams she saw a beautiful necklace having a charm engraved in a acquainted shape. Adria tried to catch the enchanted necklace which was floating but it disappeared into thin air.

Suddenly she had a sharp sence of headache and her knee started to enfeeble. As she stupor and fell to the ground a voice said, "I wish it was different, Adria" with a soft tone which was filled with regret. And then she woke by a voice calling her name sounding perturbed. When her vision was clear she realised that it was Ven?

she thrust him away feeling irked. "Where am I? This is not my bedroom where I was sleeping before having that weird dream".

"What are you talking about? You were laying on the floor of the School's lobby and I carried you to the infirmary".
Now she was even more perplexed. "Adria! Are you okay?", Ember said entering the infirmary.

She tried to leave this bewildering situation but she couldn't, she was too frail to walk. She had to find that charm so she asked Ember to drop her home but she insisted that she should get some rest first. She had to ratify her and her own weak body.

During her leisure time, as she was trying to make sense of her vogue dreams and events, the bell rang and as she left the infirmary limping, she tripped and ven came to help her. She gently pushed him away. "I don't need your help", she said feeling very indignant. "I wish it was different", he said she instantly recognized that sentence. "What!!" she asked sounding puzzled as she turned in his direction and thought that she finally found someone who can give answer for those sporadic flashes that appeared in her dreams, but then he replied, "huh? I mean our friendship we didn't got off and the right foot. Right?" "Oh!" Adria said unconvensed and left.

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