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Well it certainly isn't a sweet, kind, generous and soft kind of girl's story. She is cruel, mischievous, ruthless, selfish and devious. Perhaps that's why her mom named her ' Adria' which defines 'dark' in French.

After the devil child was born, her father heartlessly abandoned them. And to her despair, when she was 13 her mother, who was the only person she loved, died. During her mother's funeral, while she was crying all alone, she realised as the darkness in her heart grew that she was ill-fated, that she deserved that name of hers. Despising every single thing which can bring more deep cuts in her heart. Fearing that everything she will love would leave her in front of her own cold eyes for good. Spending the next 5 years as heartless as a perfect artsy sculpture, beautiful on outside but empty and soulless on the inside. Never giving a chance for anyone to get near her.

But would that change?
Or would she be like that forever?
Will anyone be able to fight all of her monsters breaking the barrier turning her into a real person by loving her as she deserves it?
Is it really possible????

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