chapter 7.2

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"I have to get close to her first so wait." Ven said calmly maintaining his composure.

" isn't too hard to get closer to someone."

"She isn't too friendly!"

"Whatever but find a way to get close to that loner bich!!"

"SHE IS NOT A LONER!!!" Ven bursted losing his temper. As he stood comprehending what he just said his phone started to ring.

"Hello? Is this Ven?" Asked the person on the other side of the phone sounding drunk.

"Ember? Are you drunk!!" Ven said frowning.

"Yea, that's why I need you to come and pick Adria up. Please...."

"Okay I am coming!" Ven said, rushing to his car and ditching the person who he was just talking to.


'Why did I agree to this!??' He thought smacking himself on the forehead.

"Take that you asshole!!!" Ven heard Adria yelling from not too far away and ran towards her, concerned. But he found drunk Adria kicking a man vigorously who was laying seriously injured.

"Hey! Stop!! You're killing this guy!" He said, trying to stop her.

"Well that perv deserves it!!!'' Adria said still kicking him again. But Ven carried her to his car in bridal style, while hearing Adria whining about it like a baby. "Well, violence is never the solution." He said after he was fastened her seatbelt, touching her nose with a smile. As he was getting seated on the driver's seat Adria touched her nose in disbelief and quickly turned pink. She turned to see Ven and before she knew it she was already admiring his sharp and masculine jawline and lips. Suddenly she had a urge to lick her lips and when she realised that she was staring at him the hole time she quickly turned away.


"Where are we?" Adria asked opening her eyes after sleeping through the whole ride there when Ven parked at some place. It was a beach?

"We are at the beach!!!" Ven said with his eyes filled with exitement and satisfaction getting out of the car.

"Why?" Adria asked frowning.

"Because I wanted to see the night sky by the beach."

"Why now? And why with me?"

"I don't know because the sky is full of stars and you just happened to be here with me." He shrugged before answering. With that he just walked over the shore and gingerly sat down. Adria trailed him feeling irked but she enjoyed the cold, salty breeze and soothing sound of waves of the glistening sea under the moonlight. She seated beside him and they both sat in a relishing silence between them.

"What?" She asked turning to the Ven who was staring at her profile.

"Why do you choose to be this regid, heartless and stoic person when you are not?" He answered.

"What do you mean?" Her blissful and pleasant expression replaced to anger as she said that.

"I mean you aren't the person everyone thinks you are."

"Do you mean I am two faced?!!" She accused.

"No, I'm just saying you are a little soft then you portray yourself to be.''

"And why do you think that?!''

"It's just I think you can be yourself and put down your heart's barriers sometimes.''

"It's who I am!" Saying that she walked away but Ven held her hand to stop her. And said, "Hey, hey, hey stop! I'm sorry but I was just trying to help."

"But I don't need your help!" With that she just walked away leaving him stunned.

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