chapter 10: Unveiled - 'The Emperor of cruelty'

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In a place filled with hollowness, black clouds sizzling with thunder and lightning. The red bolt of lightning strikes on the elegant landscape of the Victorian period.

There they stood, Camden and Ven, in a room where Biedermeier styled furniture surrounded them. Walls, armoires, Mahogany doors and bedframes all engraved in beautiful and abstract curvings, on a cloud-like comfy bed, laid silk embroidered red pillows and satin curtains hung before the window. Surrounding walls were painted in nude but dark colours. Everything looked extravagant and masculine.

The tension was visible in the air as Ven paced around the room furiously while Camden stood with an apologetic look plastered on his face. The weather seemed to be synchronised with the aura in the room.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP, CAMDEN!!!! Isn't it enough that you released a monster from it's leash?!! WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU EVEN THINKING??!!!!" A bolt of lightning struck hard as Ven roared.

"I-um.....I am sorry! I was just getting tired of seeing you suffer from this unrequired hindrance!!! I just wanted to finish this once and for all before you actually started to like-"

"THAT'S ENOUGH!!!" Ven bursts, like he didn't want him to finish that sentence. Camden hushed to Ven's outburst like dog obeying it's master.

"The Emperor is calling you, your highness." A servant said bowing. But Ven just waved him off.

"See, now we have deal with master's anger, all thanks to you!!" Ven says heading out of the room.

They walked through the lavish marble floors of the sumptuous but modest hallways, it was dark as the walls were painted in dark grey with red pigment lingering around it but it was visible in the red rays of lightning bolts.

The Throne room came into view, the largest room in the whole castle, perhaps I wouldn't be surprised if it was larger than any aristocrat's castles that resided there. Dark walls caving in to make sinister aura, glistening red crystals which were like flames of fire above the opulent golden on which a blood red velvet cushion with exquisite embroidery, the sleek ornamental Chandelier's chains with more red crystals draping from the ceiling making the flames look like more ignited.

The monstrous silhouette of the Emperor comes into view when they enter the eerie throne room. As a red ray from the lightning strikes we get glimpse of the Emperor's dangerously handsome face. Knife-like sharp jawline, piercing gaze which is able to kill people in more ways than you could ever imagine. It certainly was a sight for sore eyes but if only the king was calm and harmless.

The brutal demon King, Aidonues. He is murderous to anyone who gets on his nerve (including his own subject). If anyone seems like a threat to the demon kind even in the tiniest way, instantly, they are six feet under the ground. Of course Ven was the vicious of them all because his father was the Emperor of cruelty (and the demon world).

"You summoned us, master?" Ven said in calm tone.

"Do you both imbeciles have any idea what you have done?!!!" The Emperor spoke in a sadistic tone, "that monster was a high rank monster!!! You couldn't unleash it unless it's an emergency. NOW I HAVE TO PAY THE PRICE FOR YOUR RECKLESSNESS!!!!" You could hear the raging anger make its way to the top. The weather worsened synchronising with the King's temper.

"We're both deeply sorry. We accept any punishment for our mistake, my Lord." Ven said calmly not shaken a bit by the gust of gruesome of the Demon king.

"AND YOU!!! I trusted you, Ven!! You said it would be take no time for you to kill a naive human being, didn't you? But now!!! Now, look at you!! You're taking way longer than your time limit, don't you think?!!"

"Sorry your Highness, but-"

"I don't care!! Just. Finish. The. DAMN. JOB!!!!" The king exploded and dismissed them.

They both bowed and walked out of the room. Ven went to the castle's garden as he couldn't think straight inside the sickeningly unlit walls but the eternal grey fluff which clouded around the demon world didn't do him any favor. And yes it wasn't clouds, it was some kind of coursed fluffs which was glued to the sky for eternity. Apparently, the demon kind like to make everything 'dark'. The Royal garden was not at all what it sounded like; it was just a pitiful form of a garden. There were roses, lilly, orchids and tulips but were all decayed and gloomy. Ven sighed in frustration, suddenly missing the light. He grew up here and was used to all the tenebrosity.
Then why was he missing light?
Why was he missing Earth?
Was he missing the actual blissful ray of sunshine or......that one beam from a certain person which made him blissful?

"What are you thinking?" Camden asked, seeing Ven pacing around massaging his temples.

"Oh! Nothing." Ven said slightly taken a back

"There's something......." Camden said, frowning.

"Well...... I'm just frustrated!! I mean...... I tried everything like manipulating her dreams and pretending to save her (and actually saved her risking my identity) just to get her like me!! AND YOU!!! You poisoned her to sleep two times. One, at her own birthday and then when she was drunk in her bed just to get information about her but nothing worked out!! I JUST DON'T KNOW HOW TO GET FUCKING CLOSE TO HER!!!!" Ven busted into word vomit.

"Okay, calm down and breathe. I'm sure you will figure out something!"

"You're right."  Ven said taking a deep sigh.


Here, on earth or more specifically in Adria's bedroom; Adria was also pacing around massaging her temples.

'Oh God!!! Why is this fucking migraine keeps getting worse and worse!!! Godamn it!!! And what are those flashes of a monster at a crowded place!! AM I GOING INSANE!!!!'
Is she going insane? Is she?

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