chapter 1.2

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"Hey, watch out man!" Said a voice in extreme hurry.

He was ven, a clumsy and oddly attractive boy and by that I mean he looks like a real life angel.

He ran as fast as lightning bolt crashing on to someone again and while he was trying to escape Adria held him by the collar and dragged him back.
Yes, it was Adria who he ended up crashing in.

She was infuriated but when their eyes met there was a brief silence like a feeling that couldn't be explained, and ven spoke " look, I know it's your fault but it's okay. You don't need to apologize cause I'm in a hurry, but can you tell me where the Oxford High is?"

She was infuriated but she stayed calm and pointed to some random direction feeling annoyed. And seeing him naively follow the direction, a chuckle escaped her mouth.
"What a sucker!!"she murmured to herself and left.

As he was walking down the street and wiseling, he knew he was lost and abruptly he crashed into a bunch of Gangsters who were dressed in Jet black leather jackets and personalities like Hulk.

"Who is this, a nerdy little chick huh?", they asked.

As they judged him by looking right through his spectacle which matched his captivating gray eyes which was disturbed by his messy black hairs. They stepped forward to toss his glasses on the ground just to see it shatter in two. He calmly picked up the pieces shoving them into his backpack and left like nothing happened. And when they tried to follow him he was nowhere to be found.

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