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Abigail cried for what seemed like forever. In the end, they cuddled for hours. He caressed her hair as she lay on his chest. The silence was eerie, and who could blame them?

Johnathan glanced down and noticed that she fell asleep. To be honest she needs it. It was an overwhelming day for her. For the both of them actually.

Johnathan didn't move seeing that he doesn't want to wake her. His blue eyes stared at the ceiling, thinking about the possible outcomes on how this situation can turn out.

She can get rid of it if she wants to and boom, problem solved...right? Or...she could decide to keep the baby and they'd have a child together. He didn't hate the idea seeing that it would be with the girl he fell in love with.

However, there's always a problem. There's Meriane and then his father. He of course doesn't doubt at all that the child is his since...well, he's been inside of her many times other than his dad.

Then he frowned upon the thought. "Five minutes on the phone with mom, checked the house for another two, went back upstairs and asked, took about a minute, then I left," he says to himself.

Johnathan began to analyze the time frame to see exactly how long they'd been in that room together.

"Forty-five minutes." Johnathan glared at rhe ceiling, remembering his father's taunting words.

"Ask her where she was earlier."

The look in her eyes made him...sad. She looked so scared then. Either for him or of Jefferson. Either way, he didn't care what was happening to him, once she was alright.

But after everhthing spilled his mind went haywire. At first he didn't even care about what Micheal was saying, thinking that the man was just saying that to get to him, which it did.

He wonders how it started in the first place. Johnathan closed his eyes and exhaled heavily. He doesn't want to think about that right now.

Suddenly he heard a ring. Johnathan glanced around before his eyes landed on Abby. He eased away, setting her head onto the pillow. Johnathan reached over and grabbed his phone. He stared at the screen and was taken aback by the name flashing on his screen.

'The Deadbeat Asshole'

His dad. Johnathan has never gotten a call from his father in years, not even a text. Well except for the few during his first year of college but...never a direct call for something good.

Could it be for something good? Johnathan would decline but...he's curious as to what Micheal of all people could be calling him for.

Johnathan swallowed and then answered. His heart is racing and he wiped his forehead as if he felt sweat drain down his skin.

Johnathan eased out of bed and left the room in silence. He took a seat by the door, awaiting his father's words. However nothing came.

The both of them just sat there, listening to the steady breathing from the other.

"What do you want?," Johnathan finally answers. He couldn't take the uneasy silence. To be honest he's scared. What for? He himself doesn't know.

Micheal exhaled on the other side and finally found his words. He clearly didn't expect the boy to answer his call.

"I need to talk." His tone was low, nearly above a whisper.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒇𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒐𝒓 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑯𝒊𝒔 𝑺𝒐𝒏Where stories live. Discover now