Me and JB looked at each other. ''gather the gang?'', he asked I nodded.


Me and the gang were outside our house on the deck. JB began to speak. ''me and RJ got a visit from Peterkin's. She said if we were out of trouble, like not going to the marsh. She'll help with the dcs''. ''you believe that?'', JJ asked. ''yeah we do'', I answered him. ''I can't believe you two right now''.

''come on JJ. We just have to stay out of the marsh for some days. Then me and JB won't go to either foster care or worse juvie. Plus, JJ I saved you ass. Peterkins know about the gun. I took the blame for you''.

''wow thank you RJ. Thank you for taking the blame for me. I saved your ass''.

I rolled my eyes.

''maybe I should just let Topper have drowned you''. ''JJ that's enough'', Kie spoke up.

I heard JJ scoff. ''they always do this. They start shit and they win it. The kooks is all and the pogue's are not. I'm so tired of that. When is it gonna be us?'', JJ said as he took his hands on his face.

''JJ man'', I tried talking to him but it didn't work. Kie came and held him. ''JJ it's not fine, but we're good''.

JJ looked back up and stood up. ''you're right it's not fine. They don't want us to go there cause they know there is something down there that is worth something. That makes me want to go down there more''.

JJ looked at Pope and pointed at him. ''you have the act. The golden boy, the scholarship that you need'', he stopped.

Then he looked at Kie and pointed at her. ''you're already rich Kie''.

He looked back at me and John B. He took his hands around us. ''but us. We have nothing. So, we have nothing to lose. I have a plane just listen. John B and RJ have the keys to ward Cameron's boat. Because he trusts them. So, what if we loan the scuba gear they have. Because we know they have that''.

''yeah they do'', John b answered. ''see. We take that and maybe we'll get rich. Think about that. Rich kids don't get thrown in foster care'', JJ said.

I looked at JB. ''are we in?'' I asked him. He looked back at me, smirking. ''we're in'', he said.

''woho'', JJ shouted.

''we go there now, and we'll get to the wreck this afternoon. Everyone in?''.

I smirked, thinking of the possibility to get rich. ''I'm in''. ''me as well''. ''erh. If something happens. My names stay out'', Pope said. ''someone have to take care of you boys'', Kie said.

''good. John B and RJ. Go to the boat and get the scuba dive. We'll stay here and wait''.

Me and JB hoped at the boat and drove to the Cameron's.


We were now at their state. I looked to see if someone was near, but no one were. I looked at JB. ''I'll go in and you'll be lookout''. ''yeah'', was all he said.

I went out the boat and went into the druthers.

I found the gear. Then I heard a familiar voice and stopped at my tracks. ''mhm Rowan you are so bad''. My eyes widened and I looked at the couch seeing Sarah. She was sleeping and she was talking in her sleep.

''Row Row. My dad will be home a second'', I heard her say. I was surprised that I accidentally went closer and fell on top of her.

She immediately opened up her eyes and was met by mine. ''RJ?''. ''in the flesh'', I said.

I pulled myself up from her. ''what are you doing here?'', she asked me as she saw the scuba gear.

''uhm, believe me if I said plotting revenge?''. She furrowed her brows at me. ''nope, okay. Uhm, well. Topping off some tanks then''. ''hm, okay''.

The pogue boy and the kook princess Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя