Romeo X Romeo Pt. 6

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Or when Jungkook gets a guest, and Taehyung gets pretty much...well....


Taehyung was waiting at the lake for some time now. It was unlikely of Jungkook to not show up. He threw a stone into the lake, watching how the sun rose to its peak. Frustration made his way into his body, mixing up with worry.

Did something happen? They had a date set for the morning. Yet there was no trace of his lover. Taehyung stood up after his butt started to hurt, and swung himself on top of his horse, dashing quickly through the forest.

Did he forget? Slept in? Had an accident?

Taehyung left his horse at the edge of the forest, whispering to his horse while tying him to a tree. From there on, he made his way to foot to the Jeon mansion, hiding behind a bush.

It didn't take long till he was watching how a carriage drove in front of the building, stopping there. He ducked down, not to be seen. The carriage was one of the Jeons. It opened up, Jungkook stepping out, stopping next to the carriage door, holding his hand out. He was smiling.

Taehyung saw the cause.

A beautiful young lady took his hand, stepping outside, smiling back at him.

Taehyung heart sunk at that scene, hurt and anger rising slowly in his chest. He clenched his jaw as he saw how Jungkook made the girl laugh, leading her inside.

He felt like he couldn't breathe.

As the door from the mansion closed behind them, he run back to his horse, getting quickly on his back, running through the wood with him randomly. Angry, bitter tears run down his face, immediately drying through the force of wind that clashed against his skin. His hair waved beautifully in the breeze, sun highlighting his smooth skin.

It was hunger that led him home to his family's house, but as soon as he sat in front of his plate, waiting for lunch with the others, he felt like throwing up. His father told the whole clan, that the young Jeon had a female visitor, a potential bride for him.

As his father talked through gritted teeth how the Jeons were always a step ahead, Taehyung emptied his glass and stood up, not touching his food.

"Taehyung, we didn't finish lunch yet."

"I'm not hungry."

The father nodded, thinking that he was angry about the fact that Jeon was having a bride already and he not.

"We will find you a suitable wife too."

Taehyung turned, chuckling bitterly "How gracious."


Jungkook was about to freak out. This visitor came totally unexpected. He couldn't be impolite to her, was she the daughter of a friend of his father. He knew that his dad wished them to get together, strengthen their clan even more.

It was scaring Jungkook to the core, especially since he knew that Taehyung is waiting for him at the lake, not knowing where he is. If he only knew what he should do. Playing along would be the best for now, till he figured out a plan.

His heart was restless, longing for Taehyung.

Ina, the guest of Jungkook, asked to see the marketplace, so they took a walk there in the afternoon, accompanied by Jimin and a few others of his clan. Ina was clapping her hands as she walked around, looking at some flowers there, jewelleries and paintings.

Before they could turn away, Taehyung and a few of his clan members entered the place as well, looking for some tools. Taehyung wasn't really in the mood, wanted to stay in his room and cry by himself. But then Namjoon found him, and saw a little dramatic poetry on his desk, confronting Taehyung. After that, he dragged Taehyung out practically, forced him to join the others.

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