8. You Are My Best memory

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It was that evening before christmas in their trainee days, where Jungkook and Taehyung planned to visit that Sauna together.

As always, Jungkook felt super giddy to spend time alone with Taehyung, he felt like bursting in happiness.

There was just something about Taehyung he really liked a lot, maybe it was that they always had fun together and were never bored, maybe it was because he felt safe with him, or maybe because they kind of clicked, and just had the same hobbies and mindset.

Both of them planned this a few month ago already, it was actually Taehyung who came up with the idea.

It wasn't something unuasual, Taehyung often had a lot of ideas, so he was surprised that he even remembered promising this to Jungkook.

Not be able to spend christmas with their families was really hard for the young guys, it was actually the first christmas without them. So Taehyung vowed to make this a meaningful one for both of them.

Jungkook quickly gathered his fresh bit of money and rushed down, Only to be greeted by Taehyung, who just arrived back from his vocal training.

"Jungkookie", he smiled so brightly, it was lighting up the whole room, Jungkook was sure about that.

"Can we go Taehyungie hyung?"

"Sure. I'm ready."

They both giggled and run out of the dorm Inhaling the cold winter breeze.

It snowed last night a lot, so the ground was covered in a white glistening blanket, that crunched soothingly under their shoes.

Even now, soft little snowflakes were falling down on them, one landing on the tip of Taehyung's nose.

The older told him about his vocal lesson, and about the coach, impersonating him, till Jungkook was laughing so hard, he was about to fall to the ground.

Taehyung loved this. He loved winter in generall, but he loved winter with Jungkook even more. His giggles.

He loved making him laugh, it just came naturally to him to clown around when he was with Jungkook.

It turned him into a total goofball.

Jungkook's dark big eyes looked even more prettier in the contrast of snow.

His happy wide smile never failed to swarm his insides with Happiness as well.

They arrived at the sauna, paying and getting inside, undressing quickly. Their muscles felt sore from all the dance practice they had the last week.

With a thin bathrobe, both went into the steaming hot room, happy to find it empty.

A sigh left both of their mouth as they sat down to the warm bench, inhaling the hot steam there.

The first minute was just silence, them enjoying being together, relaxing into it.

Taehyung then started to sing a ballade, Jungkookie following right away.

It always stunned him, how beautiful Jungkook's voice was, and how well their voices blend together.

"i love your voice."

"well, i love your voice too."

Both looked down to their feet shyly, starting to talk about everything and nothing.

Time flew by so quickly, they didn't even notice how long they were already in the sauna, sitting eith their hips attached, even if there was plenty of room for them.

"you know what, Jungkookie?"


"i'm always happy when i'm with you. Are you an angel?"

MIRO'S TAEKOOK ONESHOTSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon