Chapter 38 : Fooled

Start from the beginning

"I didn't know that was the objective of all this." Still, I have to admit that it would be fun to spend time with her, especially now that Maricar has gone back home to New Jersey. Behind our car stops a dark green Rolls Royce, from which Alicia and her cousin Rocio step out, chatting excitedly.

Raul was worried about me going out today after yesterday's incident at the press conference but Safia waved him off, insisting that a girls' day out was exactly what I needed.

What I didn't need — or expect — was Yandra waiting for us three hours later at the coffee shop we repaired to after going through five clothing shops. Dressed in a Versace print shirt dress with her hair flowing straight and loose, she looked very young. Sympathy swells inside me at the hesitant look in her eyes. No matter what she did, she's as much a victim in all this as Raul is.

"Hi," she says, smiling almost shyly at me as she stood up. "Sorry I'm late." That apology was directed at Safia.

"It's all right, mija," Safia says. They hugged and air-kissed, careful not to mess up their pristinely applied makeup. "Did that fiancé of yours fly out of town again?"

"Yeah, I dropped him off at the airport."

"Yandra, my God you look gorgeous," Rocio says, hugging her. "You coming to Tia Carmen's tomorrow?"

"Yeah." Yandra turns to me. "Will you make it? She wants to host the after-church brunch this week."

"I think so." Raul didn't say anything but I expect he's waiting to see if I'm well enough for it. While his concern is touching, I'm perfectly fine. What I really want is for everyone to forget what happened to me yesterday and for things to go back to normal.

"I saw the videos." Yandra took my hand and I let her pull me down to sit beside her. "Vultures, all of them. I wouldn't know what I'd done if it were me."

"It was soooo romantic, wasn't it?" Rocio says, sighing dramatically. "Raul sweeping her up in his arms and carrying her to the car. Like a telenovela."

"Stop it, you're embarrassing her," Safia says, putting an arm around my shoulders. "But yes, that was very romantic."

"Good thing Raul showed up when he did," Alicia says, her brow furrowed thoughtfully. "Like he knew you needed him."

"That's how it always is in telenovelas," Rocio says, nodding. "It's like fate. Like their souls are one."

"Because they are," Yandra says. "I've never seen Raul act that way with any woman."

I look at her, trying to hide my surprise. There wasn't a bit of insincerity in her expression. "I'm sure Raul would have caught any woman who passed out in front of him," I say carefully.

"Oh, but you didn't see the look on his face, Kate," Rocio says. "He looked so intense. Like he was going to fight anyone who tried to hurt you."

It almost pained me the way everyone talked about Raul and me. The way they could see nothing but this grand romance. Because none of them knows that we're both just playing a part. I can't tell them this was all a lie, so I have no choice but to let them think ours is a story of true love.

I force myself to hold back the bitterness I felt and just smile. "Yes, he is... pretty wonderful."

We had coffee and smoothies. I ordered a frittata, feeling a little hungry after going through all those shops. I'm halfway through the delicious cheesy dish when Alicia excuses herself to pick up her Dad's watch from the shop, where she had them replace the strap.

"Be back in five minutes," she says, getting up.

"I'll come with you," Rocio says before taking a last sip of her strawberry and lemonade smoothie. It isn't much of a surprise as the two girls are practically inseparable.

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