Chapter 2 after the storm

Start from the beginning

RJ's pov

I looked to see everyone was back on their feet. ''everyone ok?''. ''yeah'', all of them said. ''JJ?'', I heard JB say. ''I'm fine. Just a little hurt, but I'm fine. Yep saved the beer'', he said. I rolled my eyes at him.

''look is that a boat?'', he said referring to something. I looked and saw nothing. ''dude, you're tripping'', I said. ''no, I'm not just look closely''. And that we all did. We went over the edge and saw a boat. It was on the bottom.

''shit I'm going down there to see'', JB said. ''no, I will go''. ''you both are nuts it's too deep'', Pope opened up his mouth.

''he's right guys it is'', Kie backed him up.

John B and I looked at each other nodding. We both went and dived into the water. As we did, we reached the boat and searched.

I found a key. I looked at JB and we went back up. ''damn it boys that took forever'', Kie said in a worried tone.

''we found a motel key. Well, rather RJ'', JB said to the others.

''we have to figure out whose it is'', JJ spoke.

I looked at my phone and saw Ward's name on it.

''yeah after me and JB go to work'', I answered him. Everyone nodded. Then we began to drive to the Cameron's.


3rd pov

The gang was now at the Cameron's. JB gave the boat to the gang and told them to hold on to it until he and RJ was done, then to come pick them up.

The boys went and saw Ward. ''hey mr Cameron. Here we are'', RJ said to the man to get his attention.

''Rowan and John B to the saviour, thank you guys. I have left instructions to you and if you need anything you know where to find it or just ask Sarah. She's right there'', he said pointing to his daughter and walking away.

RJ looked at her, wondering what she was doing. ''your drooling Row''. ''am not'', he answered. ''are too'', JB pushed. ''let's get to work before we get fired''. That is what the boys did.


They had been working for one hour now. ''shit, I'm hot. Just need to use the hose for a second then I'll be back'', RJ said as he took of his t-shirt leaving him shirtless.

He went to the hose and cooled himself down. As he slicked his hair, he noticed a certain blonde girl looking at him. ''enjoying the view, are we now miss Cameron'', he said smiling towards Sarah.

Sarah got off her gaze at the boy and looked at the him in his eyes. ''you wish Routledge'', she said at the boy. He laughed at her. ''how's Topper. Still your boyfriend?''. ''why? Jealous?'', she smirked at him. He scoffed. ''pfft no. Sorry to burst your bubble princess, but not everyone wants you''.

This made the girl fake gasping and come closer to the Routledge boy. ''you sure about that? Because I have heard from someone you have a thing for me?''.

''let me guess JJ. He's messing around. He doesn't know anything. And I don't have a thing for you''.

''I didn't say any name Row Row''. They were only inches apart from each other. If both of them just leaned a tiny bit, their lips would touch.

Before anything happened, they heard Rafe's voice and backed up. ''hey Routledge do your job, you pogue and stop bothering my sister''.

RJ turned around and was met by Topper, Rafe and Kelce. ''the three douches. How you doing? Been a long time boys, hasn't it?''. ''yeah and pleasant has it been. Now if you can politely step away from my girlfriend'', Topper said.

RJ looked at her then back at him. ''if you can see clearly, I'm not close to her anymore''. ''best for you'', he said as he walked towards Sarah pushing RJ's shoulder along.

He took his hand around her shoulder.

RJ scoffed. ''that's all Thorton just a push on the shoulder. Damn that was macho man''. ''shut the hell up RJ'', Rafe said as he pushed RJ onto the ground. ''Rafe'', Sarah shouted. JB came and saw that.

RJ stood up and looked at the oldest Cameron. JB was about to interfere, but RJ shook his head at him reassuring him that he would handle it.

He looked back at Rafe. ''you know Rafey I don't have time for this. I have work to do. Some of us can't live on daddy's money''.

The Cameron boy got furious and went up his face. ''try me Routledge. I will not hesitate to kick your ass''.

Sarah let go off Topper's grip on her shoulder and went between her brother and RJ. ''Rafe stop it and mind your own business. He wasn't bothering me, and you don't have a right to treat him that way'', she defended the boy.

RJ backed up and so did Rafe. ''this is not over pogue''. ''oh, I know Rafey. But trust me you will not want to be on bad terms with me''. ''oh, we are past that Routledge'', Topper said who was now standing besides Rafe.

RJ scoffed at the two. ''you two can act all you want, but you're not better than us. If I was the one to range you two, you would be at the bottom'', he answered them. ''shut it Pogue'', Kelce was the one talking now.

John B went to his brother's side. ''come on RJ like you said we have work to do''.

RJ nodded and walked, before he was totally gone from their sight he turned around and looked at Sarah. He wanted to annoy both Rafe and Topper even more.

''hey princess I'll see you soon'', he said shouting then smirking at her. She didn't know why but when he called her that she always felt something in her stomach.

That comment made Topper mad that he took his hand and turned it into a fist. RJ saw that and was proud of himself. JB groaned and dragged his brother away.

To be continued

The pogue boy and the kook princess Where stories live. Discover now