A special reunion

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At first, he didn't imagine that she was that MC that was being talked about so much.
When he saw her walk into his bar, Phil recognized her right away.
MC had already been to Duskwood. Exactly ten years ago. When she lived there. There were many memories that they had, especially because it had just ten years ago, the two of them had dated.

It was long before he earned the title of womanizing boy. That girl had been his first love. His first girlfriend. Seeing her again made him remember those happy moments they had spent together.
When the girl sat in the chair, leaning against the bar, she gave the bar owner a smile.
    "Phil Hawkins" MC smiled, with a proud smile "Who was going to tell me that I would get you out of jail?"
    "Who was going to tell me, that you'd be the one who got into Hannah's business?" Phil leaned over the bar, with a charming smile "Thanks for helping me."
    "I wasn't going to leave you in there" the girl replied, resting her chin on her hand "How long ago? Ten years?" She asked in a nostalgic tone.
    "Saying it in that tone, you make me feel old" MC laughed and he stood up "What do you want to make you look beautiful? A beer? A good wine? Me?"
     MC leaned back a bit, with a somewhat awkward laugh.
    "Really Phil?" She shook her head "Ten years without seeing each other and this is how you want to start?"
    Of course, he had screwed up and to the bottom. He had forgotten that Jessy's group had spoken badly about him. To which surely, they would have told the young woman that he flirted with all the girls he liked. True, but it wasn't for her to get like that either. They were supposed to be confident, right?
    "Sorry" the young man apologized ", I guess I got nervous seeing you."
    "That's a lie and you know it." she pointed his finger at her, accusingly, but without erasing his smile.
     They both stared at each other, as if they were communicating telepathically.
    "You know? Since we've met again, let's celebrate." Phil took out the tequila and two small glasses.
     He began to prepare the drink, passing it to the girl, who looked at the glass before looking at him.
    "To our reunion." Phil raised his glass.
    "To our reunion." MC imitated him.
     They gulped it down, making a throaty sound. Although it was little, it burned in the throat.
    "So" Phil continued, sitting up again at the bar ", now you're going to look for missing persons? I thought your dream was to be an actress and get away from this quaint little town."
    "And I have some small roles" She pouted ". On television... As an extra..."
    "Poor your dreams."
    "But I'm not giving up" She poured himself another glass of tequila and drank it in one gulp ". God, I needed it..."
    He wouldn't stop looking at her. Remembering the pain of when they had to say goodbye.

Maybe it was out of spite or because he was unconsciously looking for MC in all the girls that hooked up with.
He fixed on her lips, remembering the last kiss they shared. He wanted to remember what it was like to kiss her again. Would it be just as passionate? All the memories of her were coming back, the moments alone.
    "What's up?" MC asked, with a laugh.
    "I was thinking" Phil approached her, placing his hand under the girl's chin "Why don't we remember the old days?"
     They were approaching each other, her lips were close. But MC was clever and avoided it, approaching his ear.
    "Like I said" MC began to whisper ", you can't start a conversation like that after ten years."
     And he thought he was the only one who knew how to make girls nervous. MC was managing to turn the tables, now she was in charge.
The feel of her hand running down his arm made him shudder. As she slowly pulled away, he kept his gaze on her tempting eyes. He had gasped at the sight of her. More than before he wanted to kiss her.
    "It seems" the young woman smiled mischievously "that I am capable of dominating you."
     Phil laughed, taking another glass of tequila.

The people and the music flooded the environment but he only listened to her. Her voice controlled him now.
    "I do it because I respect you, precious." He replied, controlling himself when he saw her with that provocative smile.
    "Very well then" MC put his hand to Phil's face, her red nails standing out against the boy's white skin ", you have to learn to be a good boy, Phil, you don't have to rush so soon."
     Phil cursed everything he was going through in his mind. Out of respect for MC, he was controlling himself. For someone he had loved and admired in the past and still did as soon as she entered his bar, he remembered it.
He was picturing her without clothes, would she be offended if he told her? He bit his lip, looking her up and down. MC laughed.
    "Aren't you torturing me too much?" Phil asked her "We know each other too well for you to do this to me, MC, doesn't it hurt to do this to me?"
    "No, not really" she laughed with a bit of malice ". But I'll tell you when you can kiss me, okay?"
     Phil smiled. So yes, she wanted the same thing as him.
    "And how long do I have to wait for that?" he asked her, running a finger along the girl's neck, down to her cleavage.
    "When you stop trying to get me on your turf like you do with the other girls."
    "You offend me if you think I'm not going to treat you like the other girls." he approached her, brushing his lips over her neck and up to her face.
    "Isn't that what you're doing now?" MC whispered, leaning to one side of her, inviting him to continue "Aren't you afraid they'll get jealous and come after you?"
    "I don't do this the first time with girls" He left small kisses on the girl's neck and saw that her skin was starting to get goose bumps. She was enjoying it ". And if I'm honest" he passed his hand behind the young woman's neck, looking into her eyes ", at this moment, I don't care if they look at us now."
     MC smiled, approaching his lips.
Phil took it to mean that he could kiss her, but he was surprised because again she took the initiative from him, biting his lip and playing with his tongue.

When they broke apart, they gasped for air. A small laugh escaped the MC's lips which Phil liked.
    "Can you hand over the bar to one of your employees?" She asked, whispering in his ear.
    "Give me just a minute and we'll go home."
     They should have more reunions like this.

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