Home for Christmas

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Story inspired by this song. The truth is that this artist inspires me a lot with Jake and MC.
Here MC has the name of my MC.
I hope you like it.

I hadn't heard from Jake in one month.
From what he had told me, they were tied up with his release paperwork. There was a lot to work for and they had been like this for a month already.
But these two weeks, all contact was broken because of being busy.

Luckily, I got a tip from Lian.
She had told me that Brian told her to get the guest room ready because he was going to have Jake in custody until his paperwork was finished. Since everything about his past had been made to disappear, it had to be restored.
So here I am, at home being my best friend, with her daughter, decorating her house for Christmas.
Lian was surprised when I told her that I wanted to help her, she just wanted me to come as a surprise to see Jake, but I wanted to do something as a thank her for telling me.
    "You don't have to decorate with me, Macie." my friend tells me, concerned "I know how much these holidays are already costing you..."
    "It doesn't bother me," I replied with a smile, "if you want I can also help you make the cookies."
    "And eat the dough? Nope."
     We laugh knowing how much I love sweets. I even sneaked a Cleo cake once just because it looked too delicious.
After that, the group helped me control myself to avoid eating any cake or cupcake in front of me. It was a fun day.

While Lian makes the cookies, I'm left to take care of little Shui. It's cute to hear how she laughs. Nothing compared to the monsters of my cousin's children. And knowing Lian and Brian, I'm sure Shui will grow up to be a good girl.
    "Bad news, Macie," Lian comes into the living room, phone in hand "looks like there's a traffic jam and they're going to be late."
    "Oh no... Do you think I should text Brian asking if Jake is okay? What if he's nervous? Maybe he's getting overwhelmed-"
    "Calm down, honey," she lets out a small laugh, caressing her little one lovingly, "Brian still doesn't know you're here, I haven't told him."
     I nod reassuring myself.

I hope they arrive as soon as possible, I can't with this weight on my chest.

A month without knowing if Jake was okay. What did he think when he found out that he couldn't be home yet? What has to happen a season at Brian's house?
We both wanted this whole nightmare to end and we could finally live together. But it seemed that as always, something came between the two.

I'm trying to work hard this month for Jake. When he told me in one of our conversations that the last good memory he had before running away was from this month, December. I want him to feel the warmth of having new memories again. Even if he is being held in this house for a while.
I wish so much that he is already here. Damn traffic jam...

I sit by the window watching how it has started to snow.I start to remember that melody that I came across on YouTube, remember every sound that the piano made.
The idea of being able to dance it in the living room with Jake, alone, without anyone interrupting us comes to mind. A smile escapes me as I imagine the scene.

I pick up my phone and check the last messages I had with him.
I'm glad he doesn't have to delete any messages from us anymore.

It seems that we are going to negotiate my "freedom".

They have made it quite clear to you that it is not going to be something you can choose, right?

Too many rules, really.
I have to read many documents before I sign them.
I don't trust them.

You're doing well
I wouldn't trust either
But it's a lot?

Let's just say
I've been handed something close to the size of the Bible to read.

And I thought it would be only two papers...

We have our differences.
Although your friend Brian is helping me out a bit.

With what?

With a bit of this and that.

Come on Jake 😩
Can't you give me a little hint?

I'd like to, but unfortunately I'm not allowed to speak.
They're watching me right now, you know that.

And will they still watch you when you get back home?

I don't know.
But I guess so.
Do you really think they are going to leave a hacker chased by the government that easy?

They wouldn't...

I don't want to discourage you with this, angel.
Just that you understand that it is going to be difficult for us to have a normal life.

I just don't want them to be in our relationship too much...

I won't let that happen, I promise.

I trust you...

I'm dying to be home already.

And I to be able to be with you again

I have thought of thousands of scenarios of how to greet you when I return and all of them end the same.


I can't tell, remember they're watching me more than before.
But it's something we'll both like.

Does it imply a bed?

Maybe yes, maybe no, it depends on how far we go ;)

🤭 You always know how to keep my mind off worries
Thank you Jake

To you, angel, for coming into my life.

Knowing that thanks to me he had hope in his life, makes me very happy.
I take the phone to my chest, hugging it tightly. I can't stop thinking about what I'll do when I see him again I don't plan to separate from him for quite some time. I just hope I don't overwhelm him, I don't want him to think I'm actually a slug. It is only the illusion that I will finally be in his arms and that I will be able to help him return to having a normal life. I don't think he feels safe for a while.

I manage to see through the snowflakes the lights of an approaching car.
I recognize the car right away, moving away from the window.
    "They're here!" I exclaim running to the entrance and putting on my shoes to go down to the garage.
    "Easy Macie!" I hear Lian yell at me from the kitchen.

     I run down the stairs with keys in hand to open the door to the garage, a smile too wide to occupy my face.
Jake is back. He has returned, he is with me!

I clumsily open the door and start looking for Brian's car. He just parks it next to Lian's car.
Jake looks at me confused and at the same time surprised, getting out of the car quickly.
We both get closer, although I run towards him and jump. He manages to hold me avoiding falling.
My lips seek his, melting into a deep kiss.
He holds me tight, letting himself go by slipping a hand under my shirt, stroking my back.
I feel a pleasant chill at the touch of him again.
I place my hands on his cheeks, caressing them until I reach his hair.
    "Ahem..." Brian clears his throat and we stop kissing, seeing that he was there with us. "What are you doing here, Macie?"
    "Lian has invited me to see Jake," my boyfriend puts me down carefully, but I continue to hug him and he doesn't let go of my waist "Did you think you were going to be able to hide it from me?"
    "Great..." Brian taps on his car and sighs "I'll bring your bag up, Jake, don't take too long, okay?"
    "Of course." he replies, kissing me on the forehead.
    "And now it's my turn to confront my wife about this..."
     I let out a laugh as I watch him walk away. I know that he is not capable of seriously fighting with Lian. I've seen how much he loves her enough to do it seriously.

Jake pays attention to me again, stroking my face until he brushes his thumb across my lips. I sigh.
    "You're still as beautiful as ever." he tells me, with a smile.
    "You're going to make me blush," I answered with a laugh. "A rough trip?"
    "It's been entertaining." He places his hands on my waist, trapping his body with mine. "We have criticized you two a lot."
    "Too bad, Jake, one point down."
    "I can fix it."
     He kisses me gently, playing a little with his tongue on my lips.I missed this feeling...
    "Sorry to spoil the moment," I broke away, putting my arms around his neck. "Do you think we can go home tomorrow? We'd be back by nightfall."
    "As for that," he makes a groaning sound and pulls away from me, showing me a tracking anklet. "Gift from the government Do you like it?"
    "What a shit..." I complained, looking at the device. "I knew you would stay here for a while, but not like this..."
    "We'll get through this." He lifts my chin to look at him. His crooked smile shows that he doesn't want to bring me down "We've always done that."
     I nod and kiss him again.It was too nice to be set free. Clearly there was something more to the agreement.
    "And that device also detects your pulse?" I ask as we walk out of the garage.
    "Let's hope not or they'll be wondering what happened to me to make my pulse race at the moment of our kiss."

     We got to the apartment and when we got there, we heard a little argument.
We knock on the door and Lian opens it with a smile.
    "The famous Jake." She holds out her hand to greet him and Jake accepts. "I'm Lian, Macie's friend. She's told me a lot about you, but I didn't expect you to be so handsome."
    "Lian!" I exclaimed entering the apartment, still not separating from Jake, "Don't pay attention to her, I haven't told her anything about you."
    "Nothing bad, I wanted to say." She winks mockingly and I blush.
     I feel like I'm introducing my boyfriend to my parents.
    "I'm so sorry I spoiled your Christmas," Jake apologizes calmly, "but Brian was the only one I trusted to handle my situation."
    "And I'm glad of it," Lian accepts the glass of wine her husband brings her and he puts an arm around her shoulders, "although he may not seem like it, he's a good man, he just likes to play tough."
    "I'm tough, not that I show it." Brian defends himself.
    "Of course you do, honey."
     Jake and I let out a small laugh as we watched them "argue."
We see Brian kiss her on the nose and Lian lets out a laugh. Happy.
    "I'm still mad that you didn't tell me Macie would be here, though." Brian looks at me now, frowning "If they find out that she's here, they'll be mad at me."
    "Well, I'm sorry, because starting tomorrow she and Henry are going to spend some time with us so that she can be with Jake." she points to me with her hand proud of herself.
     Jake looks at me in surprise and I nod. He caresses my cheek looking at me like the last time we met, intense.
    "Lian, don't-"
    "Your room is at the end of the hall," my friend cut her husband off by placing her hand over his mouth, making him shut up. "Make yourself comfortable Jake, I'll take care of my husband."
    "Thanks for this Lian," Jake takes my hand and I pull him to follow me "I promise to collaborate in whatever you need help."
    "Collaborate first in not making too much noise." Lian jokes.
    "We're going to settle in!" I exclaimed embarrassed, taking Jake's suitcase with my other hand.

     We let the married couple talk about the situation and we entered the room.
On the floor was Henry's cage, sleeping peacefully.
I puts the suitcase on the bed to get the clothes out and Jake hugs me from behind, leaving little kisses on my neck, tickling me.
    "I've missed you so much, angel," he whispers to me, making my body feel that pleasant shiver again, "and the fact that you're going to stay with me for a while makes me even happier."
     I turn around so I can see his face.
I place my hands on his cheeks, bringing my lips closer to his.

Now that we're alone, I try to make the kiss last longer.
His hands run all over my body, as if he were memorizing it with his fingertips.
I'm in his arms again, I fit in very well with him. What was missing in my life, I have regained it.
    "I wasn't thinking of leaving you alone when you came back." My voice trembles, it's hard for me to speak, feeling loved by his displays of affection. If he continues like this, I don't think I control myself. "Jake, I've missed you so much, let's not separate anymore, okay?"
    "I promise I won't leave again." He kisses my forehead and I smile. "I love you too much to ever abandon you again, Macie."
    "I love you too, Jake."
     And after those words, we melt again in a sweet kiss.

Our lives start here. Together we will achieve the future we always wanted.

Duskwood Oneshots Collections Volume 1.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz