Sleep well my Angel⚠️Richy x MC

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Those shots had failed his plan. Richy hadn't expected Dan to have a gun. It could be said that, he couldn't go back to his original plan anymore.

The wounded young man released Hannah, timing her to wake up so he could pretend he was still chained, too. His wounds would even make her believe that he was worse off than she was. Nothing better to hide the crime from her than by pretending that the kidnapper had taken it out on him.

As soon as Hannah left, he started his latest plans. He had to tell the truth to the MC.

Strange, MC didn't answer his call. He tried connecting to the chat on his own phone, since it had not worked with the unknown number. Only Jessy had written to him.
Enough to at least tell someone the truth before ending it all.

He began to cry, knowing what he had done was wrong. The mistakes he had made to get there. Both in the past and present. He couldn't go back.

He looked at the mask that had been with him throughout his crime. He already had to disappear.
He picked up the can of gasoline and began to soak everything. Fire was the best to erase any evidence. Eliminate the crimes from him. It wasn't just the shadow of the man without a face or Michael Hanson that was going to disappear. Also him.
He took out the lighter with the logo of his business, the Rogers' garage, and watched the flame. The fuse that would light it all.
He dropped it and watched how in a short time, the flames began to dance in the path he had prepared.
He sat with his back against the wall, remembering all he'd done, the damage he'd caused.
Surely, in his mind he would occupy Jessy, the person he had confessed his crimes to, but no. MC occupied it. The girl he'd threatened during her search for Hannah. He remembered how scared she was having faked his death, after sharing moments of laughter. That girl that he had tortured, had occupied a special place in his life, how could he have done that to her?

When he faked his death, she didn't hang up the video call, she stayed there telling him that everything was going to be fine, despite the fact that he had already stopped "breathing", keeping the screen facing the sky. MC was still calling him. He had to crawl on the ground to pretend that they were taking his body but he kept hearing her screams. She had stayed with him until he really disappeared. She watching him "die".
He made the bright days of hers no more. That everything they shared, disappeared.
While he was sitting, he thought what would have happened if he could have talked to her, would she have accepted his apology? Would she have forgiven him? He was too afraid to know now. Too afraid of, if his plan had worked, he would have taken her hand with confidence. He wouldn't have been able to.
Afraid that if she'd seen him, he'd just see the monster he'd become. The monster that already had to leave.

He sighed, noticing the heat of the fire. He was having trouble breathing. His body asked him to cough in order to clear his lungs of the smoke.
    "Richy!" He heard her in the distance.
     He opened his eyes, surprised by that voice. A female voice.
    "RICHY! Where are you?!" Again he heard her.
     He thought the smoke was making him delirious, so he didn't move.
The place where he once was to take refuge, had turned into a firestorm.
    "RICHY!" Third time. It couldn't be his imagination then.
     With effort, he began to get up from the ground, beginning to walk in the direction where the voice had been heard.
He could barely see through the smoke, but he had to keep going.

She couldn't stay here. She shouldn't be here now, she should have been reunited with Hannah by now.
He couldn't do this to MC. The one who should be left in the mine is only him, not her.
He would have to sleep forever.

He managed to see a female silhouette through the smoke, even heard her cough. He inched closer, and when he saw her, his eyes lit up.
    "Richy!" The young woman threw herself into a hug, why was she still inside? "I found you Richy!" He listened to her as she wept between gasps for the fire.
    "M-MC?" Richy asked, not knowing if he should hug her or not "What... what are you doing here?" He asked incredulously.
    "I came to rescue you and Hannah" she replied, coughing ". I came to meet Michael, but I haven't found him."
     No... It couldn't be... Hadn't she run into Hannah?
MC continued to cough, about to fall over from weakness.
Richy managed to hold her, while they sat on the ground to prevent her from falling.
    "But Hannah is already out" Richy told her through tears. "What are you doing here? Why aren't you with her?"
    "Because I promised Hannah that I would get you out of here" MC smiled at him, taking his hand "Alan took her out, Richy, he saved her. She's fine!"
     Her smile was weak and Richy could see it.
He denied with his head. She wouldn't have to be there anymore.
He was crying for her now. Because she was stuck like him.
He would have to be alone. Sitting alone waiting for him to die, while the ashes were scattered throughout the mine.
    "No... You shouldn't be here..." Richy's voice was broken, with pain in his chest seeing her smile, "MC, I-"
     He was going to continue with his confession, but he didn't manage to do it.
MC got dizzy and Richy managed to hold her.
The girl held on to Richy's sweatshirt, looking at one of the bullet wounds.
    "What...?" MC looked at him confused, trying to keep her eyes open "What has Michael done to you...?"
     She hadn't noticed. She was so dizzy and confused that she hadn't thought those wounds were from the shots Dan had fired at him.
Richy continued crying, holding her. He was too weak to pull her out of the mine, too.
    "I'm sorry..." Richy whispered to her, between tears "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."
     He held her close to him, listening to the difficulty in which she breathed.
MC started to close her eyes, with a smile on her lips.
    "I'm so sorry, MC" Richy continued, now that she already looked like she had fallen asleep ". I was the one who kidnapped Hannah, I was the one who threatened you" the boy's tears fell on the young woman's face "and now you're going to die... Because of me..."
     Richy covered his mouth with one hand as he coughed, trying not to let MC out of his embrace.
Little by little, he too began to close his eyes.
It was a horror that she died... Another person that he dragged to her death.

She looked like an angel with her eyes closed. Sleeping.
He was trying to stay awake, wanting to walk again. He had to get her out of the mines, but every time he got up, he slip, at least managing to prevent MC from falling out of his arms.
He took in the smoky air. There was little time left for him.
He saw a pair of dark shoes and, with cloudy eyesight, slowly looked up. He saw Death, dressed in black. His eyes penetrated his soul. Some cold eyes.
    "Please... Please..." Richy spoke to him, crying "Let me burn... But save her from the flames, don't let her soul stay here in hell with me" He tried to separate her from him, carefully ". I have committed many sins, I have hurt my friends, she doesn't deserve to be here burning with me, take her to a better place..."
     Death nodded and he took MC into his arms.
The girl opened her eyes a little and looked at Richy, extending her hand.
    "Ri...Richy?" She whispered, wanting to reach him.
The blond made an effort to reach for her fingers to brush them.
But he couldn't reach her. And he knew Death was impatient.
    "We... We'll meet again..." Richy smiled, closing his eyes.
MC was also closing them, curling up in the arms of Death.
    "Sleep my angel" Richy heard death speak. Thank you for choosing to have her saved instead of you... Your gesture will not be forgotten."
     He smiled listening to his words.

He would pay in hell for what he did, but, if MC was safe, then he would agree to burn for saving her.

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