Considering the past and what happened in the last few years. Of course, she would be worried about my well-being and staying safe. Plus she worked hard to get me where I am now. I worked hard as well. We both put effort into just getting here. It's the fact I'm here now and want to enjoy it to the best extent.

"I understand, now lemme get some rest please," I pleaded.

She kisses her teeth and picks up her bag. She looks around the room, double-checking to make sure she has everything she needs.

"Thank you for the gifts."

"Your welcome baby."

"Byee and I love you," She smiles.

"I love you, mummy," I replied.

She left the room and I know she probably started crying after. I was sad that I won't see my mom as often anymore. The feeling of independence feels great.

I was alone and wanted to get all of my things out of the way before my roommate came. I pray to god that I don't have a nasty roommate. I wasn't sure who it was, but I'm sure she was a she.

I did a quick clean and spray down the place. After cleaning, I unpacked the rest of my things. It was a lot of work, but it was fun. I felt bigger and felt proud of myself that I had made it this far.

The other side of the room was still empty. The room looked odd, because one side was bare, while my side was giving.

I had three urban artwork in golden frames on the wall. One, was the back of a shirt with big red writing and small white writing below. The second, a half side profile of a black woman. Her hair is curled with a white bandana around her hair. She had earrings the shape of Africa.The last, was a black girl with her hands on her chest wearing a black bra type top.

I had to organize my storage baskets first, before I put them under my bed. Making sure everything has a label, so when I get messy it goes in the right box. I should have asked my mom to stay longer to help out. I did as much as I could without draining all my energy.

I was pleased with my work, and it kind of felt at home. All that was needed was my music. I opened up the window and looked outside. People were walking around and families talking, friends laughing. I smiled at the scenery in front of me. I can't believe I made it. I made it to UCLA.

I looked up at the sky, I hoped he was watching me, listening to me. Hope your proud dad, I made it. I moved from the window and made sure Alexa was on.

"Alexa, play a top-tier playlist," I commanded.

"Playing top tier," She announced.

Overtime plays through the speakers and the song fills the room, I turn it down a bit. I lay in my bed and grabbed one of my pillows, it was so fluffy and smelled nice.

I cuddled into the pillow and closed my eyes. I was tired and needed to take a quick nap. I made up fake scenarios, and what would be in my future. I slowly fall asleep and fall into a deep sleep.


I was woken up by noise in the background. I rubbed my eyes and turned over into the bed. I watched the girl put her stuff away, and struggled a bit. I yawned and sat up.

"Want some help?" I asked.

The girl yelps. She stared at me in horror. Did she not see me wake up? She looked a bit frightened. She relaxed and smiled at me awkwardly.

"I didn't mean to wake you, I like your side of the room," She says.

"Thank you, and it's fine."

An awkward silence filled the room. I guess since it's our first time meeting each other it's bound to be a little awkward as we are going to be roommates for the semester and probably the rest of the year.

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