Chapter Seventeen

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“Error my head hurts” Ink said he looked dizzy.

“InK!?” I say gently grabbing him. 

“Something is in the AU. Something survived and it’s messing with my head….” Ink said, holding his head.

“O-oKaY… YoU Go HoMe… I wIlL cHeCk…. UnDeRsTaNd….” Knowing Ink was going to argue.

“But I wanna help……...But... fine” Ink said quietly

“ThAnK yOu. If YoU wAnT gO gEt NiGhTmArE.” I tell him while kissing him lightly. I get up looking around. I was slightly annoyed. How could something survive if I completely destroyed the Au? I am really surprised so I look around cautiously. 

“Whaaaaaaaa” A child’s cry echoed.

“Oh My GoD!? WhAt Is ThAt AnNoYiNg SoUnD?” I could barely stand. It was loud and pitchy. Not helpful.

“MOWMMY” It said again

“UGh SHuT Up!” I yelled loud enough so that the thing would stop screaming.

“DADDY!!!!” It said happily.

“HuH?” I was confused when I found it. 

“HoLY SHizZ!” The heck I usually just cuss.

“Daddy!” It said holding its hands out to me. What the frick? I am so damn confused. 

“NiGhTmArE a LiTtLe HeLp!” I yell.

“Nope, one sec” Nightmare said appearing then seeing the child. 


“DoN’t AsK! It KeEpS cAlLiNg Me DaD…” I say just as it does.

“Daddy!” It said it was trying to crawl over to me.

“Oh HeCk ThIs Is NoT mInE…” I say.

“I’m getting Blue and Dream….” Nightmare said backing away 

“BYEEE” Nightmare yeets Blue and Dream at me. I dodge them, nearly stumbling on the kid.

““SeRiOuSlY…” I say frustrated. 

“Owwwww” The child looked at me tears in its eyes “Dawddy……”

“Oh HeLl NaW…” I say watching it. “BlUe, DrEaM… HeLp!” I say glitching. Where’s my sanity? I need it.

“Awwww Can I keep it?” Blue asked picking it up.

“SuRe I dOn’T cArE.” I say.

“No, I want it!” Dream said, grabbing it from Blue. Sooner or later Blue and Dream started to fight. Ink teleported.

“............shut the fuck up……” Ink said angrily.

“InK!” I say almost on instinct. What am I doing seriously why do I care all of a sudden.

“Yeah….” Ink said hugging me then saw the child. “..................”

“UmM tHaT…” I say somewhat startled.

“You know what NOPE” Ink disappears taking me with him.

“InK WaIT!” I told him. Sighing I grab him. “LoOk ThAt ThInG wAs CaLlInG fOr It’S pArEnTs..” I 

said hesitantly. 

“AnD i-It CaLlEd Me DaDdY…” I am embarrassed.

“.......wait it thinks your it’s dad?” Ink said confused.

“Y-yEaH… WhIcH tHeN wOuLd MaKe YoU iT’s MoM.” I say putting it together. One moment I was standing next to him the next I had crashed.

“Wake up Error” Ink said, shaking me up. I groan. My eyes flicker open.

“It’s not that bad that a child appeared.”Ink said, hugging me. 

“I-i JuSt DoN’t KnOw HoW tO fEeL aBoUt It…” I'm nervous.

“It’s ok I watched youtube to figure out how to care for a kid……..I understood none of it”Ink said

“ThEn JuSt FoLlOw InStInCt. LiKe I dId WhEn YoU cUsSeD…” I said, smirking. 

“Ok……….asshole” Ink mumbled

“C’mOn InK…” I say laughing.

“Fine…….” Ink said getting up.

“Mowmmy!!! It said as Ink walked into the room. Ink just looked at it.

“SeE InK.” I told him.

“........It looks like both of us mashed into a skeleton” Ink pointed out worriedly.

“I hAd NeVeR nOtIcEd.” I said, actually looking at him.

“Can I back out now………” Ink said heading to the door.

“NoPe!” I say grabbing him. “NiCe TrY…” 

“Why……” Ink said 

“YoU aGrEeD..” I say 

“.....................................” Ink just stared at it in regret.

“It’S kInD oF cUtE….” I say. I walk a bit closer.

“Did it come from the fight…” Ink asked, sitting down near the door.

“PrObAbLy…” I said gently picking him up. 

“I hAtE tHe SoUnD oF tHiS bUt He NeEdS a NaMe.” I say looking at him for a moment.

“.........I don’t know…….” Ink said quietly.

“YoU sEeM lIkE tHe PaReNt WhO dOeSn’T cArE….” I say, and somewhat regret it.

“I’ve never taken care of a child though…….What am I supposed to do?” Ink said a bit of fear lacing his voice

“NeItHeR hAvE I aNd WhAt Am I dOiNg.” I am annoyed.

“Error……...What if I kill it by accident?” Ink asked quietly.

“HiS nAmE iS PaPeRjAm…” I say. Not expecting to come up with a name.

“Pj’s? He’s wearing PJ’s” Ink stared at Paper Jam.

“*Laughing* YeAh He KiNd Of Is…” I say. Lifting PJ higher.

“Daddy!” PaperJam squeaked. I was surprised by the squeak.

“AwWw.” I say hugging the small child.

“Error you ok?” Ink asked, looking at me.

“InK…” I hold out PJ to Ink. “HoLd HiM…”

“...........” Ink looked at me kind of worried.

“InK yOu WoNt HuRt HiM I pRoMiSe…” I say placing PJ in his hands.

“Ok…..” Ink’s voice was quieter than normal

“MOMMY!” PJ squeals. 

“........” Ink just looked at PJ.

“ChIlL oUt InK.” I say hugging both of them. Ink was rubbing PJ’s head quietly.

“YoU gOoD InK.” I say.

“Just more tired than usual.” Ink said quietly.

‘AlRiGhT…” I teleport all of us home.

“DADDY!!” Pj squealed loudly.

“*Groan*” Ink fell on the Bed.

“HuSh PJ!” I say, annoyed. Grabbing Ink and helping him actually get in the bed. “ArE yOu OkAy InK…” 

“Yeah Just a nearly busted eardrum” Ink mumbled curling up.

“OkAy….” I say. 

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