Chapter Thirteen

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Horror flies past Violet slamming into a tree 

“Owwwwww” Horror got right back up and growled.

“HORROR!?” Violet yells startled. “NO! COME HERE!?” 

“.....Ok?” Horror darts over tumbling and pulling Violet away from another bomb. Once they are safe Violet grabs Horror’s skull and checks him for cracking. 

“Hey…” Horror said, stopping Violet.

“NO! Stop fighting…” Violet says crying. “I-I…”

“Calm down please” Horror whispered hugging him “I’m not going down easy you know it”

“BUT You hitting every-y rock a-and tree isn’t going t-o help…” Violet was bawling. He was using Horror to stay upright. 

“Shhhhh” Horror interrupted Violet kissing him. “Stop crying”

“........” Violet’s eyes were closed but he was still crying. 

“F-fine… If you hurt yourself I will be mad at you.” Violet says hugging Horror. “Be… Safe… Horror….” 

Horror hides behind a rocky outcrop. I turned away looking at the many humans that had gathered. I sigh. Guess I have to let my destructive side guide me in order to win and survive this. I look at Geno and the rest of my friends fighting an unwinnable battle. I can’t take this. I may seem closed off and unresponsive, but that’s because if I cared I would lose more. I slowly fold my hands together, 

and focus. The strings pull from around me building a cover around Geno, 404, Fatal, and Reaper.

“Error don’t break this Au you will drive me crazy” Ink mumbled. I sigh. I don’t think I can Ink. I turn back to the humans. The least I can do is protect you and my friends. I finish the shell around my friends. I teleport grabbing what I observed as the leader. 

“So Is ThErE a ReAsOn WhY yOu ArE aTtAcKiNg Us?” I ask debating if I had just risked myself.

“You’re monsters” One human said, pointing to Ink’s shattered vials.

“A GoOd ReAsOn?” I am annoyed.

“Shut up it is a good reason” Another human spat.

“I wOuLd LiKe To DiSaGrEe.” I say teleporting near the one who had said that.

“Ha!” The human went to lunge but Horror found a blowdart.

“What does this do?” He blew into it, hitting the human.

“*Snort* WeLl ThErE yOu Go HoRrOr.” I say snickering.

“Shhhh I didn’t do it” Horror said, throwing it at Ink.

“PfFt OkAy ThEn…” I say turning back to the human

“Horror……...Don’t throw shit at me please” Ink said sitting up.

“Calm down Ink” Cross says holding him.

“Oh I wanna see if it still works at a further range” Ink blew into it and struck down a human. I sigh. Welp Ink’s obviously feeling better. I carefully drop the human and take out the vial. I honestly wonder how this would affect Ink if someone were to use it, but I don’t want to make him feel anymore like a monster. How can I use it to my advantage?

“Error, don't do it….” Ink said glaring.

“WhAt HaPpEnS tO yOu If I wErE tO uSe It?” I ask, but I don’t intend to hurt him.

“You summon him” Ink said 

“If you summon him he turns on you my friend or not.” Ink said 

“If I wAs WiLlInG tO tAkE tHaT rIsK…” I say still deciding. 

“No, don't take it,” Ink said, holding out his hand for the vial. I couldn’t take it, I was mad.

“ThEY hUrT GeNO!” I yell. I hate yelling at Ink especially since he was trying to protect me.

“Yes they did but Geno wasn’t physically injured!” Ink shouted pointing at Geno who was reformed.

“ThEY HuRT YoU AnD CRoSS AnD OtHErS!” I knew my eyes were glowing, I was gripping the vial tighter.

“Bitch I'm not that weak” Ink said, offended.

“I NeVEr SAId YoU WeRE!” I said, I could feel the glass digging into my hand.

“Give me the damn Vial now!” Ink said, staring at me.

“EiThEr I dEsTrOy ThE Au Or I rElEaSe HiM.” I said I was completely done with him, but really it was the humans pissing me off.

“NONE!” Ink said. 

“HE’LL KILL YOU!” Ink had tears lacing his eyes.

“ThEn LeT hIm TrY.” I say breaking the vial. The magic flowed out, it was actually calming in a way. I really didn’t want to hurt Ink but I was willing to take the risk.

“Please stop, don't let me lose you……” Ink was crying tears falling into a puddle.

“To LaTe InK…” I say. I teleport and hug him before teleporting back.

“NO!” Ink cried when I let go. I watched him crumble to the ground. Sighing I look at the cloud of magic.

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