Chapter Sixteen

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Four hours later. I woke up with a jerk. I’m panting, sighing. I sat up and calmed myself.

“Error, are you ok?” Ink asked. I noticed I threw him off the bed when I jerked up.

“Oh… SoRrY.” I say getting up.

“It’s fine but are you ok?” Ink asked climbing back on the bed.

“YeAh, A nIgHtMaRe… AcTuAlLy A mEmOrY.” I say hugging him.

“Awww that’s sad…. Cuddles?” Ink asked quietly, falling back asleep.

“MhMm…” I mutter curling closer. Ink rubbed my back quietly. After a couple of minutes I fell back to sleep.

“I’m not a bottom…….” Ink mumbled quietly, making me snicker. I was in the middle of a fight similar to that of which we were fighting in earlier. Meanwhile I was twitching. I couldn’t see anyone...

“Stop twitching,” Ink said, hugging me and squishing me into him. The dream faded and I was in a dark place for a little while. Then Ink wakes me up by jumping over me. I slide off the bed.

“Wake up call!” Ink smiled, “It’s breakfast time!”

“NoTiCeD…” I grunt while I stand up. I hug him and we head downstairs.

“CHOCOLATE!” Ink beat me to the chocolate.

“Oh! No YoU dOn’T!” I grab his wrist. Since I was pinning him against the wall. 

“Mine…..” Ink had it in his mouth already.

“JeRk…” I turn away. Moody time. I give him silent treatment. Ink came up behind me and kissed me, chocolate in his mouth. I was startled.

“Happy?” Ink smiled. I nod still somewhat taken aback by his response. Ink hugged me and skipped outside to chill. I sigh, stare, then follow him outside. The part of the nightmare that I saw still unnerved me. I get up and take a look around the Au. Sighing I replay the entire fight in my head. I realize there is so much I could have done. 

“You gonna stop thinking back to the fight yet?” Ink said, grabbing my hand.

“I dOn’T kNoW iT sTiLl HuRtS kNoWiNg I cOuLd’Ve LoSt YoU…” I responded.

“Shhh” Ink kissed me. “I could’ve lost you too it’s a risk we take”

“ThE fAcT I cOuLd’Ve HuRt GeNo MaKeS iT wOrSe. HaD hE nOt HaD PiXLeXiA hE wOuLdN’t Of SuRvIvEd.” I say remembering.

“True but we choose to fight even knowing we could lose each other but we accept the fact it’s bound to happen” Ink said looking at the clouds.

“YoU aCt LiKe YoU dOn’T rEmEmBeR, BuT yOu ReMeMbEr EvErYtHiNg…” I say realizing he does seem to remember the entire fight.

“Yeah……..every part…….” Ink said. 

“From Gaster releasing to Reaper breaking at the fact he nearly lost me” Ink said. I hug him, crying a little.

“I wIlL dO eVeRyThInG I cAn Do. To PrOtEcT eVeRyOnE…” I say knowing if I just said I would protect him. He would say that I was calling him weak. 

“You can try…. there’s only so much we can do to protect each other” Ink said

“I-i KnOw…” I say. 

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