Pain & Patience

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Risha POV

A week had past but Abhi had been the same, annoying creature. I can't believe he could be that irritating. He waited for me every single day, every single time outside my home or hospital, sent flowers. Why can't he just gave up!

Today wouldn't be different, right? Yeah, exactly. There he is, standing outside the hospital, with a big placard – 'I am sorry' composed on it. Before him, a heart symbol made of rose petals laid out on the ground. After a couple of deep breathing, I went in front of him, grabbed the placard, and tossed it. Everyone around us looking at us shockingly. They may think I acted heartlessly but they didn't have the foggiest idea how I felt, how much I endured, they can't even put themselves in my shoes.

"Didn't I told you to stop behaving this way? Why are you doing this? Stop wasting your time, Mr. Knight, and stop disturbing me," saying that I was going to stroll past him but he had different plans.

"Why are you being difficult, princess? I know what I did was wrong, I shouldn't hurt you like that. But was it really okay for you to leave the city even the state for approximately one year, just because I hurt you! Don't you think it's enough punishment for me? Shouldn't you consider my feelings?" I was shocked at his word. How could he say that!

"Yeah. I am being difficult. Then why don't you just leave me alone and go back? I didn't tell you came, to ask forgiveness. Just stop bothering me," I left after saying that ignoring his call.

I ran inside my apartment, I was a crying mess up until now. I just slumped myself on the floor and burst into tears. Am I really being difficult after all these things, after lots of sleepless nights, those painful images which flashed back whenever I close my eyes? The memories which I wanted to forget he made those memories more vivid. Why did he have to come back to give me more pain! WHY... WHY... WHY!

"Mahi! Open the door, Mahi."

Skylar POV

At the point when I went to the hospital to meet my crush, I saw Mahi was arguing with her husband well... ex-husband. Then She ran to her apartment, I also followed her. I banged on her door but she didn't respond. Then I heard the sound of scattering pieces of stuff. I got worried consider the probability that she had done something she shouldn't. I kicked open the door and rushed to her room. The room was a wreck, everything was scattered on the floor, she had several cuts in her hand.

"Oh, God! Mahi, what have you done?" she was crying hysterically. I haven't seen her genuinely crushed for quite a long time. What did that idiot tell her! I carried her to the bed, purred soothing words to her yet she was nowhere near to stop. So, I called the only person who can calm her down right now.

"Aunt Nila."

Nila POV

"Aunt Nila, it's Mahi," Sky called me when I shut the diner and was prepared to leave for my apartment. He told me Mahi was having a hard time again. Poor child! She had suffered a lot. Why is God testing her so much! After receiving Sky's call, I hurried to Mahi's apartment. When I reached there I saw Sky was trying his best to soothe her.

"Thank God, Aunt Nila, you came. I couldn't stop her. I am afraid at this rate, she will have a panic attack again," he stated as soon as he saw me.

"Let me see," I enclosed her by my arms, delicately tapped her back. "Shh, it's alright. Relax. Stop crying. Everything is okay," I whispered to her and gestured to Sky to clean her wound. After some time she relax a bit.

"Sky, I got her. Now you can go back," he was conflicted but left eventually.

"Now, you can tell me, if you want to," expressing yourself to someone always assists with diminishing your agony but I wouldn't push her if she didn't want to.

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