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Risha POV
It’s been 2 months since Alex went to Australia to complete his PhD. I missed him but according to the condition which my parents gave, we can’t contact. It’s sucks, I know. I joined at Lenox Hill as a doctor. I often called mum-mum and we talked for hours. I took all information about Alex from her. Today is my holiday, so I slept a little late. I went to kitchen for breakfast. I saw, some people was decorating our house.
“What’s the decoration all about?” I asked mom. She was in the kitchen.
“Oh that. It’s for your marriage,” she shrugged. As it isn’t a matter. Wait What!!! I chocked the water which I was drinking.
“Are you got to be kidding, mom?” She was joking, right?
“Why would I kidding?” No, it can’t be. She can’t be serious.
“Mom, you can’t do this. You promised me that you will give Alex a chance. Before he return you can’t do this,” I shrieked.
“What can’t we do, dear?” dad asked me while entering the kitchen.
“Dad, tell mom that I can’t marry someone except, Alex. And you told that you will give us a chance. Please persuade mom not to do this,” I requested to my dad. But he hearing me he laughed bitterly.
“Oh sweetie, did you really think that time, we will give you to an orphan who has no family background, no status? We only agree to you that day cause we wanted him to go away. So that you can’t elope with him,” he told me bitterly. So that’s they wanted. I still can elope. I won’t marry some who I don’t know. I won’t do this to Alex. But before I can think anything my mom started to drag me towards my room.
“Mom, what are you doing? Leave me, mom please,” I cried but she didn’t listen. She only left my hand, when we reached at my room. She took my phone from me forcefully and took my laptop and locked me on my room.
“Mom, please let me go. Please open the door, please” I cried to her.
“What did you think, I don’t know what’s going on the thick skull of yours? You will stay in your room until you get married which is within two days. You are not allowed to contact anyone,” she shouted outside the door and left.
I had no option left other than crying. I missed mum-mum a lot. My parent’s doesn’t want my happiness. They were only doing it for a fucking business deal. I can’t believe my own parents are doing all these to me.
Today is my marriage and I don’t know with whom I am going to marry. Here the girls were making me ready for my marriage. And my mom kept an eyes on me so that I can’t elope. The suddenly the door opened. I heard a familiar voice.
“Can you give us some privacy,” she told the girls and when they left the room, I stood up and went towards her and hugged her. I started crying again while hugging her.
“Mum-mum, I don’t to get married. Mum-mum please persuade her to break this marriage. Please mum-mum,” I requested her while sniffling.
“Sorry, baby I didn’t know this before. I talked to her once but she didn’t listen. But don’t worry, I will talk to her again. Ok?” she ensure me. Mum-mum was also crying.
“And you think I will listen to you? Kindly tell me why I will do this?” my mom told mum-mum while entering the room.
“Why are you doing this, Riyana? She is your own daughter. Don’t you want her to be happy?” mum-mum yelled at mom, who never raise her voice to anyone.
“As you said, she is my daughter. You don’t have to worry about her. I know what to do or not to do, don’t teach me,” mom retorted.
“Oh, please I will, if I have to. Risha won’t marry anyone without her consent. I am going to take my daughter with me. And you can’t do anything about that,” mum-mum told her firmly.
“Watch me,” mom told mum-mum. Then she left that room and mum-mum turn back to me and said, “Don’t worry I won’t let anyone hurt you.” And I nodded. Then she kissed my forehead. After sometime mom came to the room with a knife. Oh God. What is she going to do!
“If Risha left the aisle, I will kill myself. If she ran away that will harm our prestige. So it is better than others criticism. Now decide what you will do, Risha?” mom threated.
“Riyana, don’t do this. This is stupidity. You should care about your daughter’s happiness, not some so-called prestige,” Mum-mum told her softly while walking towards her. But mom stopped her.
“Don’t come near me. Else you know, what I can do, Shimla,” mom warned her. I couldn’t take this anymore. I know my mom is hellish stubborn. I get that characteristic from her.
“ENOUGH! I will marry the guy, whom you want. Now stop this drama and leave me alone for sometime,” I told her, while sobbing and fall down on the floor. My foot couldn’t take anymore.
“Ok then don’t try to ran away,” mom said and left the room. Mum-mum came to me and hold me closer to her. I kept crying while hugging her.
“I am sorry, baby. I couldn’t do anything for you. Don’t cry, sweetheart. Maybe it’s fate. Now try to forget Alex and, accept your future husband,” she told me and I shook my head. No, I couldn’t forget Alex.  
“Don’t deny. We can’t predict our future. Maybe one day you will find your true love within your husband. He will love you like no one did ever. And you will also love him like crazy. He will make you the queen of his heart,” she tried to console me.
But I knew, this was never going to happen. The man who is going to marry me because of a fucking business deal. He can’t give the love. Never.

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