Marry me !

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Risha POV
Finally we got out of that creepy place. We went to towards the camp and when Alex saw me he started running towards me and hugged me tightly and I also hugged him back. After a few minutes later he pulled back.
“You nearly killed me, Risha Mishra. Where the hell were you? I searched for you everywhere but I couldn’t find you,” he screamed at me while cupping my face with his hand.
“I got lost in the forest,” I told him innocently.
“What do you mean by you got lost? What the hell were you doing at the forest?” he yelled at me.
“Why are you yelling at me!” I exclaimed. He run his finger through his hair and rubbed his face with his hand at frustration.
“Ok. I-I am sorry. Look…” I saw tears in his eyes. He was crying. He does look like a mess. His once perfect hair is a chaos now, there were bugs under his eyes. I didn’t let him say anything just hugged him. He also hugged me tightly.
“Don’t worry I am ok now. Besides Abhi was with me,” I told him while rubbing his back. Then he pulled away.
“Who is Abhi?” he asked me confusingly. Ops I forgot. Abhi was standing beside me the whole time. And I didn’t even introduced them.
“Sorry I didn’t introduce you before. This is Abhiudey Knight. And…”
“Wait. You mean the Abhiudey Knight, New York’s most successful businessman,” Alex exclaimed with surprise.
“Yep, that Abhiudey Knight,” Abhi replied without any expression. Oh so, that’s the arrogant side of his.
“And Abhi, This is Alex Donovan and…” Again I was cut by my co-workers “Risha! Thank God, you are ok. You don’t know how worried we were. And don’t talk about Alex, you know him.”
“Guys. Sorry to interrupt. But if you don’t mind can I use your phone. Mine is dead,” Abhi questioned formally.
“Yeah sure you. You can use mine,” Alex gave Abhi his cell phone and Abhi went for making a call. When I faced Alex, I found Alex looking at me intently. I gave him a small smile.
“I am ok, you know.” I reassured Alex.
“I can’t help it,” he told me giving me a small smile. After 1 hour later, Abhi’s car arrived and bidding his good bye he left. He was either formal or expressionless towards everyone. He kept a blank face the whole hour.
“So, he is really cold.” “That’s why people called him egoistic.” “Is he always this formal?” my co-workers started gossiping about Abhi after he went towards his car. I excused myself from them.
“Abhi! Wait.” I went towards Abhi when he was about to get in the car. He gave a small smile when I approached.
“You know, I like that sweet, caring Abhi, who smiled a lot. I don’t like this arrogant, expressionless Abhiudey Knight,” I told him honestly.
“I will remember that. Bye” He gave me his genuine smile and left.
I went back to the camp.  Today is the last day of our camping. There was a lot of patient in the camp. So everyone went back to work. In the evening everyone pack their belongings and got on the bus which was ready to take us back. I and Alex sat on the middle seat on it. Alex was still quite he didn’t talk much since I came back. 6 hours later we reached our place.
“Alex, I am sorry because of my stupidity, you all were worried. You didn’t even get any sleep yesterday,” I told him while entering the house. I told him everything, how I got lost in the forest.
“It’s ok Rish. Now you are back and safe, it’s enough for me. Just don’t this again,” he gave me a small smile. “Now go and get some sleep. We will talk tomorrow,” he added that.
I don’t know what’s wrong with him. But I will deal with it tomorrow. I went to my room and after getting fresh I went to bed. When my body touch the bed I fall asleep within minutes.
The next morning after doing my morning business, I went downstairs. There I found Alex and mum-mum were chatting.
“Good morning, mum-mum,” I greeted her while hugging. “What are you talking about without me?” I added.
“Morning. We are talking about your camping. How was that?” mum-mum asked me.
“Oh that was superb. I enjoyed a lot,” I told her remembering the day in the forest. It was actually fun. After I told that to mum-mum Alex suddenly stood up and went to the kitchen.
“What’s wrong with him?” I murmured and mum-mum shrugged.
Today we got a holiday after one sleepless week. Alex didn’t talk much. During breakfast, lunch he silently ate. The whole day he avoided me. I don’t understand why. In the evening, I went to the rooftop and found Alex there. Now I had to talk with him.
“Alex, what happened? You didn’t talk to me properly since that event. Did I do something wrong again?” I asked.
“No, Rish. You didn’t do something. It’s me. I don’t know how to tell you this. I was thinking about it since a long time but I didn’t find courage to tell you,” he told me nervously.
“Alex, you can tell me anything, you know that right?” I told him sternly.
“I know, Rish. I know. But it was something else. That day when I couldn’t find you, I can’t express how I was feeling. So, I have decided that no matter what, I have to tell you,” he paused for some time and I gave him time to continue.
“Marry me, Rish,” he told me.
“Huh…” I was shocked.
“I know it’s too early but Rish I promise I will keep you happy. I will never make you cry. Will you marry me, Rish?” he told me sincerely and nervously.
“Yes. I will. I will marry you, duffer.” I know it’s too early. But if it means to make Alex happy. I won’t mind. After all I love him. After I agreed to his proposal I saw a huge smile creeping on his face that made me smile too. Then he pulled me closer to him and kissed me.
“I love you, Rish.”
“I love you too.” I told him.
“Shit!” I exclaimed while pulling apart from him.
“What happened?” he asked me warily.
“We didn’t tell mum-mum,” I told him.
“Rish! I thought you are gonna reject me!” he screamed at me and I laughed. “Don’t laugh. You scared me. And I already asked mum-mum this morning. She gave me a green signal. So, I proposed you,” he shrugged.

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