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Risha POV

I don't know why I got this angry. It's just the thought of never being able to say sorry to Alex, I couldn't handle it. Yeah, Alex told me it wasn't my fault that he left. But I knew it was me. It will never be enough how much I say sorry to him.

I went to the roof. The cold air outside made me shiver. I still had a fever and felt a little bit tipsy, but before I fell on the ground, a strong pair of arms grabbed me.

"Won't you learn how to take care of yourself," Alex asked.

"I don't need you to take care of me," I retorted.

"Whom are you angry at? At me because I didn't tell you I was that little boy or at yourself?" he asked me again.

I was only staring at him. Yes, Alex, it's me whom I was angry at. And he knew what I was thinking. He sighed and stood in front of me, holding my face, making me look at him.

"Tell me, how should I convince you that you are not guilty? Wasn't it you who told me to forget about our past? Then why are you still thinking about that?" Alex asked me softly.

"I don't know, Alex. I don't know anything. I...I..." I couldn't say anything, just started crying. That day if something bad happens to him. What if he... No, I couldn't even imagine that. Alex was holding me close to him until my cry subsided. When I calmed down, he pulled apart and removed my tears.

"Let's end this here. You won't cry again over that topic, understand?" I just nodded.

"Now let's go. Eat something," saying that, he led me to my room and placed the food tray on the bed which mum-mum brought for us. He was going to feed me.

"Hey. I can eat by myself. You should eat yours," I said to him.

"You sure? You have to finish all these," he asked. I assured him that I would finish. Why won't I? I was hungry. After we finished our food, we chatted for a while.

"Rish, it was a long day. I think you should get some sleep," he told me, and I nodded.

"Good night, Rish."

"Good night, Duffer." Then he kissed me on my forehead and went to his room. I also went to bed and fell asleep within a moment.


The next morning, when I woke up, I saw it was already 11. I was ready to run, then I remembered it was the weekend. I got up from bed, freshened up and went downstairs. And found Alex in the kitchen.

"Where is mum-mum?" I asked him as soon as I entered the kitchen. I didn't saw her. I have to apologize for yesterday's behavior. I was really rude without any reason.

"She went to Bella's house. Her son was sick," Alex replied.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"Making breakfast for us," he shrugged. He looked cute in that kitchen apron. Well, when he doesn't.

"Need some help," I offered some help.

"No, it's OK. I think it's better you won't," he tried to joke, but...

I couldn't help it but I again felt guilty. When Alex realized what he said, he instantly looked at me and he knew what I was thinking. He sighed and came towards me and hugged me tightly. Instantly my guilt flew away. Then I thought about something and pulled apart. Alex gave me a confused look.

"Alex, let's make it up for you. Let's go out after breakfast," I suggested to him.

"You mean hang out?" he asked and I nodded. "Sounds good. Let's celebrate our first friendship day," he told me.

"But today is not friendship day." I told him and he smiled.

"Of course it is. We became friends yesterday and today is our first day as friends. So it's worth celebrating, right?" he asked me.

"Right." I told him. I was sitting at the kitchen counter and was seeing him cooking. After 15 minutes later, our breakfast was ready. We finished it quickly and went to our rooms to get ready. We both came down after another 15 minutes later.

"Ready to celebrate?" Alex asked me.

"Yep," I replied excitedly. "Then let's go," he held my hand with his and directed me to outside.

"Alex, what do you like? What place do you want to visit?" I asked him. I really don't have any idea where I should take him.

"Well, I always wanted to know about 'the lady with the lamp' but I didn't have time to meet her," I laughed at his sarcasm.

"Then it's the right time to meet her. Let's go." We went to the Florence Nightingale Museum to learn more about someone who dedicated herself to mankind. Who is the inspiration for doctors like us?

"Here we are. Meet your dream girl," I mocked him.

"She was awesome, right?" he asked me, looking around dreamingly.

"Yeah she was. I wish you were born in the nineteenth century, then you could have met her. So sad," I told him in a fake sad tone. "I wish I were too," he told me with the same sad tone. Then we looked at each other and burst into laughter.

We spent another hour looking around the museum. Then we went to Thomas Neals Center for our lunch and some shopping. We bought a lot of things. There I saw a watch. I liked it instantly.

"Alex, come here," he was from the other side of the shop. He came towards me. "Give me your hand," he looked at me confusingly. I took his hand and put the watch in his hand.

"Risha..." he whispered. He looked shocked. "Rish, I..." he definitely went to say something silly so I shushed him.

"Consider it as a first gift from your friend," I saw tears in his eyes. "Hey...Don't be emotional."

"I also have something for you. I don't know if you'll like it or not," he said while rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"What? Show me," I was excited to see that, but he hesitated to give me it. "Oh Come on, show me," I insisted. Then he showed me his hand.

"It's beautiful," I was in awe of this beautiful thing. They were gorgeous earrings. I thanked Alex and saw a beautiful smile on his face. And I want to keep this smile on his face forever.

"You like it?" he asked me.

"Definitely I like it, duffer. In fact, I love it," I told him.

"Glad that you like it." he smiled sweetly.

"Ok, now let's go. I am hungry," I told him and literally dragged him towards the food court. We finished our lunch and were about to go to a movie but then Alex's phone rang.

"I have to pick it. It's from the hospital," saying that he went to get the call. After a while, he came back looking nervous.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"We have to go to the hospital. There is an emergency case. If you don't mind, we can come back later." That's why he was nervous. Duffer.

"Alex, you know, we are both doctors. I know how important a patient's life can be. Is a movie more important than someone's life?" I scolded him for asking stupid questions.

"Let's go. You have to assist me, remember?" he told me smilingly.

"Yeah whatever."

Today was great. We enjoyed it a lot. I was more than happy to watch Alex also enjoyed the day freely. It feels good to have a friend in our life. And Alex made it a lot easier for me. I don't want to lose Alex ever. 

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