Little friend

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Risha POV
It was my first day as an intern. I was nervous at first and Mr. Jerks comment made me angry. But I couldn’t be angry at my first day. So somehow I kept myself calm. The day wasn’t all bad at all.
After dinner I gave mum-mum her medicine and read story for her. She fall asleep after a while. Then I went at the roof and saw Alex was standing there leaning against the railing. He was looking at the sky.
“Wow, you know how to watch stars,” I joked. “Why is it only you, who can do that?” he retorted.
“Can I ask you something?” I asked. “Split it.”
“Why are you acting like a jerk towards me? You are so good with mum-mum. Did I do something that I received this kind of attitude from you?” I asked. I need to know.
He laughed bitterly. “Why do you care?” after saying that he left. “Don’t be late tomorrow,” he said before leaving.
May be I should stop thinking about him. It gave me headache. After some time I came back to the room and went to sleep.
The next day went a blink of an eye. After we came back from hospital I went my room to get freshen up. When I came back to the drawing room, saw Alex was sitting on the couch reading some magazine. Mum-mum was in the kitchen. I went to the couch and sat beside Alex. I was browsing my phone when I saw that.
“Ahhhhh…” I screamed and within a second I was on Alex lap.
“What the hell. What are you doing on my lap? Get the f**k off!!” Alex yelled at me.
“I can’t. Look at that thing,” I told him, directing to the floor.
“OH GOD. It’s only a mouse. You are a doctor god damn it how can you afraid of a little mouse,” he scold me. How can he tell me it’s only a simple mouse?
“It’s already gone now get off,” he told me softly.
I looked at everywhere. That little thing is nowhere in sight. I sighed and looked at Alex. He had a strange look on his face then I noticed how close we were. I instantly got off and said sorry to him. I was embarrassed and I couldn’t face him right then so I went to the kitchen quickly.
As soon as I entered into the kitchen mum-mum looked at me and asked “Did you meet your little friend?” For one moment I thought mum-mum was talking about ‘HIM’. Then it clicked my head she was talking about the mouse.
“Yeah but the meeting was so horrible.” Then we both burst into laughing.
That night I went to my room. And saw that Toy. It always reminded me of HIM. I wondered if he remembered me or not.
After some reminisce, I went back to mum-mum’s room. She was sleeping. I went on the bed and snuggled into mum-mum.
“Missing someone?” she asked and I just nodded.
Mum-mum didn’t say anything else just cuddled me. After little while, I fall asleep.
The next day when I was at dean’s office, Alex entered that room. I was afraid if he would tell me to be Alex’s assistant. Though it’s only for a week, still it’s too overrated.
“Alex, for next week Risha will be your assistant. She will help you in your next operation for 1 week.” and here my nightmare come true.
He is literally insulting me all the time. What will he do in the operation theater? May be he will cut me into pieces if I do something wrong. Its ok I can do it. I can handle anything. I consoled myself.
“But sir…” Alex went to say something but dean stop him. “No but. You two will work together. That’s final. I don’t want any argument. You, both can leave,” dean replied leaving no room for me to say something.
“Why you are always stuck with me?” I cried when we were out of dean’s room.
“You choose wrong word. It’s you who is always stuck with me. Couldn’t you tell him that you can’t work with me? Or you enjoyed my company that you remained silent in front of dean. Wait did you ask him to make me your supervisor?” he shouted at me.
“Am I look crazy to you? How could you think that I asked for a crazy supervisor like you?” I hissed at him. Arrogant jerk.
“Did you just called me crazy?” is he duffer. Obviously I called ‘him’ crazy.
“Are you deaf? Is there anybody else whom I was talking about?” I retorted.
“You know what I am your supervisor now. So you should respect me otherwise you will get punishment. Put that on your thick skull. Today is your first day that’s why I will forgive you,” he told me while smirking.
“You…” I was cut by him. “And you have to write an apology letter out of 1500 word,” he added that.
“WHAT!” before I could say anything he left. He fucking left without heard me. That Jerk. He is literally getting under my skin.
Rest of the day went in a blur. I was thinking 101 methods to take revenge from that jerk. He is the one who kept insulting me all the time. He should write apology for me. How could he tell me to do that and that’s also in 1500 words. What we are school student!!
Ok it’s time to get my first revenge. After my shift I went to his cabin, took the car keys and without telling him I went home driving his car and I made sure he didn’t find his wallet. When I entered the room mum-mum asked me about Alex. I told her he was busy, will come back within one or two hours.
Alex came back after 2 hours, poor guy. “Why did you bring my car without telling me,” he asked me as soon as he entered into the drawing room.
“Mum-mum went at her friend’s so I wanted to come back early. I went your cabin but you aren’t there so took the key and came home.”
“Ok,” was his simple reply. ‘Odd, right?’ Get prepared for my next weapon Mr. Jerk.

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