Night in the forest

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Risha POV
It’s been hours since we both started walking and my leg hurt like hell. Still we didn’t find the way out of the forest.
“Abhi what if we couldn’t find the way ever,” I asked being frustrated.
“Don’t worry, Isha. We will make it. Well, I can give you piggyback ride,” he offered me.
“Abhi you don’t need to,” I refused to accept his offer. He is already exhausted, I can’t give him extra hassle.
“Definitely I need to. Look at yourself, you can’t even stand properly. Come on, listen to me.” I went to refuse again but his one look was enough to make me stop.
“Fine. But let me know if you can’t take it anymore,” I told him and he nodded in acknowledgement.
“Abhi! Put me down. I can walk, now. It’s been hours,” I screamed for hundredths of time. But as stubborn he is, he didn’t listen.
“Isha, you are not that heavy. I can carry you and I am ok. Don’t worry about me,” he told me.
“Abhi!” I gave him a deadly glare. He hadn’t any option so he put me down. It’s already dark and we are exhausted as well. So we decided to find a shelter and spend the night. We can start our mission tomorrow morning.
“ABHI LOOK!” I screamed pointing towards our right. And suddenly he press his hand on my mouth. Woah his lip is so ki...Shut up, Risha! Don't get there you have a boyfriend.
“Shush… There can be wild animal who could came here to listen to you too. Do you want that?” he asked me and I shook my head vigorously. “Then don’t screamed,” he warned me and mouthed ok. “Now tell me, what you are trying to show me?” he asked me softly and I pointed towards the cottage.
“A cottage. May be we could use it for the night. Let’s go,” he told me and pulled me towards it.
“Abhi, wait. What if it’s not safe,” I asked him. Well, I know it’s useless cause we are in the forest, around wild animals it’s already unsafe. But still my stupid question won’t stop.
“Don’t worry, I will protect you,” he told me smilingly. And it’s true I feel safe around him. We went inside the cottage. It’s not really a place where anyone want to stay but we can manage one night, can’t we?
“Isha, stay here. I will go find something to eat, Ok?” saying that he was about to leave but I held his hand. He turn back and looked at me and I shook my head.
“No, don’t go. What if you don’t find the way back here. What if you had to face that wild animals. Don’t go, please,” I requested to him and I was about to cry.
“Ok okay, Isha. I won’t. I won’t leave you, Isha promise,” he comforted me when he saw teas in my face. He put his hand on my face and removed the tears. I was really afraid but not for me. When I realized that I got lost and there wasn’t anyone, I wasn’t afraid that much. But the mere thought of him leaving me, got me afraid. Maybe cause he can help me out of this forest. “I had some snacks in my bag we can use it for now, ok?” he told me and I nodded. We sat down in comfort and he pulled out snacks from his bag.
“Wow, Chips and also my favorite flavors. You know, you are awesome, Abhi,” I exclaimed.
“Trust me, I know,” He replied with a smirk. Cocky much.
“You always carry these stuff with you, when you travelled in the air?” I asked him out of curiosity.
“Yeah all time. We can’t predict future, right? What if this type of situation arise again,” he shrugged.
“Well you know, I am happy that I met you today. I don’t know what I would have done if you wouldn’t show up,” I told him genuinely while eating.
“Maybe its fate,” he told me smilingly. “Isha, you should sleep. The cottage is not protected. I will guard the place,” he told me as a matter of fact while we finished eating.
“What about you? You are exhausted too. You need rest also,” I told him. I was worried about him.
“Trust me. I am ok. I am habituated to this kind of stress, exhaustion,” he told me. I went to protest but he didn’t give me a chance. He literally ordered me to sleep. As I was tried I fell asleep instantly.
Around 3 am, I woke up and found a jacket over was covering me. It’s Abhi’s jacket. I smiled inwardly. I found Abhi, sitting on the floor and looking outside the window. He really looked very tired. I stood up and went towards him.
“Now it’s your turn,” I told him while kneeling in front of him. He snapped his head towards me.
“Now you will sleep and I will guard. Go get sleep,” I told him.
“I wouldn’t sleep, Isha. You go take some rest,” he told but I am not going to listen this time.
“I will make you fall asleep. And I won’t take no for an answer. Now I will protect you,” I told him seriously. And pulled him up. Then make him lay down.
“Isha, What are you doing?” he asked me shockingly. Then I shushed him and make him closed his eyes. And slowly started to caress his head.
“Isha, you are hell stubborn,” he told me.
“I know, I am. Now imagine you are in a fairy land. There are different kinds of flowers around you. There are everything which you love,” I told him and he started laughing. “Shut up and imagine.” After sometime I feel his normal breathing. He fall asleep. I covered him with his jacket. After a few hours later the sun showed up. I went outside and I saw the road. OMG It’s the way out of the forest. I instantly went inside the cottage.
“ABHI! Wake up. Wake up, Abhi!” I screamed while trying to wake him up. And he sat up in a jolt.
“Isha, what happened? Is everything ok? Are you hurt?” He started to check me if I am hurt or not.
“Abhi. Abhi, everything alright and I am not hurt. Stop worrying,” I said and also told him what I have seen. “Come on. Let’s get out of here quickly,” I told him and literally dragged him out of the cottage and show him the path.
“Wow, Isha. We did it. Now we can go back,” he told and suddenly hugged me excitedly. “Sorry. I got a little bit excited,” he told me while nervously rubbing his back.
“It’s ok. And yeah we did it. Now let’s go,” I told him and follow the way outside the forest.

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