Chapter 34

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Disclaimer: I don't own My Hero Academia

Warnings: Cursing 

3rd Person POV:

Class 1A was buzzing with barely restrained anticipation. Hushed whispers crossed the room as the students wondered who would be teaching them while Aizawa was hospitalized, and none of them seemed quite capable of ignoring a certain white haired boy's empty seat. Every once in a while their eyes would slip over to the desk with worry and Todoroki had taken to staring intently at the empty chair as though Okami might materialize if he did. 

All eyes turned back to the door when it opened, however, and the loud exclamation of surprise from his students caused Aizawa to tense. 

Sighing the teacher stumbled into the room, still covered in bandages though not as much as before, and held the door open for Okami to enter as well. Opening his eyes and squinting, Aizawa watched as the heavily bandaged boy was helped to his seat by concerned students who couldn't seem to decide whether to be worried or confused. 

Walking over to his desk, Aizawa spoke, "...The fight is not yet over." 

The students froze and Todoroki stared as beside him, Okami's bandaged hands trembled and clenched into fists. "Our time is limited, UA will still be having its annual sports festival this year."

"But sir! What about the USJ attack?" Iida shouted.

"The sports festival is live broadcasted around the world. By participating you are proving your strength and ability to continue fighting even after a villain attack. This is your most valuable opportunity to get public favor and internship offers, and you will only get to participate in three during your time at UA."

Aizawa kept talking but Todoroki noticed that Okami still hadn't calmed down. Seeing his friend in distress, Todoroki made a small ball of ice and threw it at the back of Bakugo's head.


"Bakugo, do you have something to say?" Aizawa questioned sternly. 

But the angry boy was no longer paying attention to him and had instead turned to find Okami trembling in his seat. Making eye contact with Todoroki, he watched as the dual haired boy raised an eyebrow and nodded shortly.

Scowling, Bakugo turned around to face Eraserhead who was waiting for an answer and did what he does best: get angry.

"F**K YEAH! Sensei- with all due respect, this can wait." Bakugo yelled.


"NO! We were attacked. On school campus. By villains. We could have died," the explosive boy growled, "I'm the class president right?! These crazy f**kers chose me and now we need a day to recuperate and I'm going to do my best to give it to them-"

"-and I'm not done talking!" he yelled when Aizawa looked as though he was going to speak, "I know school was cancelled and we had time to rest, but we never f***ing processed what happened as a class, we haven't had the chance to go over this together and most of us are still on edge!"

From underneath layers of bandages, Aizawa raised an eyebrow at the surprisingly decent- if poorly worded- suggestion. They had already missed school days and the sports festival was important, still...

"...Fine. But if you yell at me or any other teacher like that again, you will receive detention. I'm only letting you go this once because you were arguing on behalf of the wellbeing of your classmates, don't make it a habit." Aizawa sighed, "Push the desks against the walls and make space in the middle of the class.Ojiro, dim the lights please, and Jirou- could you find some calming ambience music?"

The students complied and Aizawa grabbed his sleeping bag and some other blankets and pillows he had hidden around the classroom in case of an emergency (aka he wanted to take a nap but Present Mic had stolen his sleeping bag). 

Eventually the group was huddled on the floor, sharing blankets and pillows and enjoying the cozy atmosphere created. 

On one side of the group, Bakugo and Todoroki were sitting on either side of Okami. The dual quirked boy making sure that his fire side was closer to the boy as his quirk also affected his body temperature and he wanted his friend to be warm.

Sitting down next to them, Yaoyorozu made a soft blanket big enough for the three boys to share using her quirk and pulled it around them, smiling as three heads turned toward her in confusion and thanks. It was nice to use her quirk to help her fellow classmates, especially outside of a life or death situation.

Once the rest of the class was comfortable, Aizawa sighed from within his sleeping bag. "You don't have to talk if you don't want to," the mummified teacher spoke, placing some paper and pens in front of him, "Bakugo can read the things you write as he's shown himself to be in charge."


"-Does it look like I can -or want- to read!?" Aizawa grumbled, pointing at his bandaged face. Kaminari snorted loudly before blushing as people stared at him.


Sighing again, Aizawa spoke, "I want to reiterate that UA cares for your safety and that the USJ incident is an unprecedented event. Measures have been taken to improve the security of the school. You guys are safe and...... cared for."

(A/N: "I want to reiterate that life sucks" - quote my friend.)


" That sounded like it was hard to say." Jirou deadpanned as a of couple giggles filled the room.

Aizawa sighed and pulled his sleeping bag close before turning away from his annoyances. More giggles filled the room before a quiet voice spoke up.

"I-i, I just wanted to say, I'm so glad everyone survived. It's just I- I just keep having nightmares." Uraraka spoke. 

"Yeah me too."


Kaminari nodded, "I keep thinking about what might have happened if we just..." A couple of people huddled closer to each other, "And then Okami..."

Said boy tensed and Bakugo growled at Kaminari, who winced. 

"Well- it's, it's just that-"

"-You almost died kero." Asui interrupted, "I think I speak for everyone when I say we were worried for you."

There was another round of nodding and agreement before Okami's bandaged hands curled carefully around Bakugo and Todoroki's hands- both of whom looked at the connection with confusion.

"I'm sorry." Okami whispered with a rough voice, drawing strength from the two sitting beside him. 

Aizawa turned around in his sleeping bag and poked his head out. "Problem child you don't have anything to apologize for. Yes, you put yourself in needless danger and I can't condone that, but you saved my life. If anything I should apologize for not having been able to protect you as a teacher and a hero."

"But- but no!" Okami cried hoarsely. "Your... You... I hate the nomu." He finally settled on. 

Aizawa opened an eye to squint at the boy and snorted. "So do I problem child. So do I."


"So Okami can talk?" whispered Sero.


"But then why??"

"Maybe he just doesn't want to? Doesn't matter either way, he communicates just fine." Ojiro spoke dismissively. 

"Yes and I suggest you F**kers LEAVE IT ALONE!" 

There was a collective yelp from the huddled lunch table who stared at Bakugo's furious glaring before he turned around, piled more food on his tray, and left the lunchroom to find his antisocial friends. 

They were eating outside today, per Okami's request for quiet, and as none of them really wanted to enter the crowded room for food, Bakugo was stuck with making sure his idiots ate something.

A/N: I'm sorry please don't hurt me. I know I said I'd update more over the summer... I LIED! Without intending to so I'm sorry. Hope you enjoy this chapter!

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