Chapter 20

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Disclaimer: I don't own My Hero Academia

A/N: The image above is what Izuku looks like as Ren. 

Note: All Might speaking will be in bold. "Izuku's fast speech

3rd Person POV (same day as the entrance exam)

In a dark room several teachers were talking over each other, still shocked by what they had just seen. 

"I personally think it was foolish, taking on the zero-pointer like that." 

"Mmm. Yes, but it was soo hot!" 

"Not to mention the boy got injured in the process!"

"I believe all of you are missing the point." Spoke All Might from the corner of the room. He waited until it was quiet before continuing. "Yes, what the white haired examinee did was dangerous and harmful to himself, but note that in the beginning he was going to run away." he stepped forward and replayed the recording. 

"He only ran to the zero pointer when he saw another examinee in danger, sacrificing himself for the safety of another person, like a true Hero." 'Perhaps he will be the one?' the man thought.

Aizawa eyed All Might as he gained a thoughtful expression. The insomniac had also noticed the points All Might had made, but instead of thinking about a potential successor, as he had no doubt that was what All Might was doing, he had instead been lamenting the fact that he would have to teach another self-sacrificing teen. Why did he always get the problem children?

"On the same topic, what are the names of those two cuties?" asked Midnight drawing the teachers from their thoughts.

"Let's see here, ah! The examinee with the explosion quirk is Bakugo Katsuki! Age 15, his quirk is  Explosion, his school before coming here was Aldera Junior High." said Principle Nezu as he pulled up a file on the computer.  

"And the other examinee is Okami Ren, Age 15, he is quirkless and was homeschooled." The room erupted into chaos. 


"How can Okami be quirkless?! I thought he had a strength quirk?" 

"I was betting on speed."

Aizawa stayed silent although his face betrayed his shock. He himself had thought the boy had some form of analysis quirk, but it seemed he was wrong. Problem child indeed. Aizawa watched the footage still being played on the screen, the kid had a lot of potential. 

They were all drawn from their thoughts however, when Nezu began to laugh. 

"Oh this is going to be quite interesting!" the mouse/dog/bear/something hybrid cackled, ignoring the teachers who were now huddling at the back of the room as far away as they could get from the scary genius. 

"Quite interesting indeed!" he stared at the screen and whom he was certain was the vigilante: Speedy. 

~~ Later that night ~~

Speedy was walking silently in the shadows, thinking about the events that day. Although he wasn't sure how well he did on the written portion of the exam, he was hoping that he had gotten enough points in the practical to get into UA despite his quirklessness.

'I wonder how Eraserhead will react if he found out I'm quirkless.' he thought worriedly, not knowing that Eraserhead had already learned of Ren's quirklessness and had simply felt more impressed with the kid. The vigilante sighed as he ran quietly to where he heard voices.

"Hey, didja bring the money?" a gruff voice could be heard coming from an alley. 

"Course, I wouldn't think of backing out now. Do you have the painting?" a voice replied

"Ya, I've got it." 

The boy crept soundlessly into the alley, ducking behind a potted plant before peeking out at the transaction. He watched in the shadows as a tall person wearing a black coat and gloves opened a case to show another figure a painting. The vigilante immediately zeroed in on the artwork, 'judging from the plain looking people, the non-industrial landscape and old frame, I'd say this is probably a pre-Quirk era paintings. Very few of those are said to have survived the Quirk Wars, a painting like that could be worth millions... Unless it's a fake.' 

The hidden boy knew that he wouldn't be able to stop the interaction, the buying and selling of art was a legal process, even if it happened to be in an alley. However, his instincts told him something was wrong so the vigilante pulled out his phone and began to film the interaction. If it came to light that the painting was a fake or a replica meant to act as a decoy, he'd have the faces of the two people and a visual of the painting as evidence against them. 

Stopping the recording, he slowly stepped back out of the alley and back into the streets, heading further along his patrol route. 

Eventually Speedy had made it through the night, stopping crime and helping people. Now the boy sat on the roof of a building and watched tiredly as the night sky began to lighten again. He wasn't used to spending an entire day awake and the lack of nap during the afternoon as well as the energy draining affect of Recovery Girl's quirk had left him exhausted. 

The vigilante looked down at his completely healed hand, the experience of waking up not in pain was quite shocking but not so unpleasant. When he had first woken he'd been quite disoriented until he remembered what had happened. 

He hadn't expected to be berated by Recovery Girl for his risky actions or to be told that he needed to eat more because he was incredibly thin, but the concern shown by the old Hero had been a nice experience. It didn't hurt that the gummy bears he'd been given were delicious, sugar was not exactly common in a dump. 

Yawning quietly, the boy pulled out his phone and opened a messaging app, he sent a "Good morning!" to the one chat he had, (the one with Eraserhead and Tsukauchi), and sent the video he had taken that night of the painting along with a description:  "Saw this tonight, not sure if the painting is a fake or not, giving you the heads up in case it does turn out to be something."

With the message sent, he closed the app and turned off his phone before heading to the beach. Mindful of the growing visibility as a result of the slowly lightening sky, he quickly made his way back down the building he had been sitting on and began to walk home, keeping his head down and avoiding any security cameras or people. 

Once at the beach he looked at the piles of trash with dread. It wasn't that he wasn't grateful for the shelter and home he had, but sometimes he just wished that he could be a normal kid trying to be a hero, with a loving family. 

Bracing himself against the inevitable smell he entered the maze of trash, at least his home didn't smell too bad, especially with the flowers he had planted. The boy slowly followed the hidden path through the trash to his home, soon he'd be able to sleep.

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