Chapter 9

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Disclaimer: I don't own My Hero Academia

Note: 'thinking', "speaking normally", "speaking quickly", "speaking super quickly"

~Izuku's POV~

'This is it, I am finally going to leave my home.' I think, staring out at the road in front of me. Over the past few days since I made my decision to find and meet Eraserhead, I've been clearing out a path from my home to the outside world, as well as studying maps of Japan and Underground Hero patrol routes and times. But now all that work will hopefully pay off. 

Looking back at the mounds of trash behind me, I hold my breath before stepping out onto the road. I know it's nothing much, the distance is minimal and it's just the difference between sand and concrete, but I can't help the tears that burst free in that moment. I'm leaving my sanctuary, the only place on this world that could truly want me. It's only for a couple of hours, the time it'll take to track down and meet Eraserhead, but it's still overwhelming. 

When I finally gain control over my tears, I readjust the hoodie and mask over my face. I know it's probably paranoid of me, but I don't want to risk being recognized. It's better if people just assume I'm either a homeless adult or an angsty teen. I'm more likely to be avoided by normal people this way too.

I've also prepared an old black backpack with anything I might need, including a flashlight, knife, notebook, first aid kit, and pen. Who knows what might happen, from what I've seen and learned online, the chances of me getting attacked are high.

I walk under the cover of night, avoiding street lamps and sticking to the shadows and alleyways, places I know are both dangerous but have a higher chance of hosting my query.

I'm rounding the bend of one such alley way when a noise catches my attention. I pause for a moment to reaffirm what I've heard and then run to the source of the noise. 

'Oh my jars.' What I see catches me short. A man is forcing a woman against a wall and is preparing to rape her. 

Without a second thought, I grab my trusty knife and creep up behind the man, stabbing him in the back of his knees. The man screams and falls over before moving to turn around. Not giving him a chance to stand up I grab his head in my hands and slam it into the ground. With my medical knowledge I know that the man will pass out and most likely have a concussion later, but apart from his bleeding knees, it's unlikely that he'll die. After finishing my assessment of the disgusting man's health, I look up and make sure the woman is okay. 

Apart from a bruised cheek and the tears running down her face, I can't see any external injuries so I crouch down and use a length of cloth in my first aid kit to the man's still bleeding knees. Following this I tie the man's hands together with his own belt and make sure it's tight enough to be uncomfortable before ignoring him again. 

"Are you okay, Miss? There are many ways to die" I ask, staring back up at the woman. 

"w-What?", she stares at me in confusion. I silently curse the speed at which I speak and my other engrained habit as a result of the too fast tapes, and try to slow down a bit so the woman can understand. "I asked if you were okay?

"Oh! Y-yes I'm okay... Thank you for that. Are you a hero? I've never seen you before." I freeze a bit at her line of questioning. 'Of course she thinks I'm a hero, society has taught people to expect to be saved by dashing and beautiful heroes.' I frown a bit but reply anyways. "No, I am not a hero.

She looks down confused for a moment before nodding and smiling in realization, "You're a vigilante then. Don't worry I won't tell the police about you."

I frown again at this new term: vigilante, and I'm about to correct her when a scream from a nearby catches my attention. "I am sorry Miss, I have got to go. Can you call the police for the man?" I ask, already hurrying out of the alley. 

She nods, "Go save more people. I can deal with this idiot.", I wince a bit as she delivers a none too friendly kick to the unconscious man's no-no area but leave anyways. 'Someone is in danger and I need to help.'

~Time skip to later that night~

I lean against a wall to catch my breath. 'I have just stopped two would-be rapists, three muggers, and one robber. What is up with this world?! It is only," I check my dented watch, '1:00 am! Where are all the heroes? I have been on Eraserhead's patrol route for a while now! Why is he not here?'  

As though summoned, a man drops down in front of me... So naturally I shriek and punch him in the face. 

"Ow." he groans in complaint. "Oh no! I'm so sorry. Can I help you! I didn't mean to I swear! People can die from being punched in the face. I-" "-Calm down kid!" he interrupts while I rub the back of my hoodie covered head in embarrassment, staring at my dirty shoes. 

"First a new vigilante and now I get punched in the face by a problem child who sounds like their on 2x speed, I should have just stayed in bed." The man says under his breath while holding his face. I'm not entirely sure if I was meant to hear that or not. My hearing has gotten better because of the need to make sure I don't get attacked randomly by wolves, raccoons or other wild animals. On the other hand, my sense of smell is definitely not what it should be, although I try to be as clean possible by taking regular swims at the beach. What the man said catches my attention however: a new vigilante. What is a vigilante? 

I look back up at the man as he stops holding his face and glares down at me. I think I'm supposed to be intimidated but after waking up with a wolf trying to eat you, it's hard to be scared of a glare that is blocked by yellow goggles.

Wait... yellow goggles. "Oh my hedgehogs! You are ERASERHEAD!!!" I stop and horror dawns on my face, "OH MY NOTEBOOKS! I JUST PUNCHED ERASERHEAD!!!" I slap my hands to my face and howl in despair "I am not worthy!!" Within moments I'm wrapped up and upside down in a gray scarf and squirming like a happy mummy. 'I am wrapped up in Eraserhead's scarf!', my inner fan boy is squealing. 

After a minute or so, Eraserhead stops mumbling things about "problem children" and "how does this kid even know me?" and surveys my upside down and swinging form. "Are you calm enough for me to let you go?" he asks finally. I nod as best as I can while restricted and he turns me over right side up before letting me go. 

I stay silent for approximately three seconds before opening my mouth to speak. Unfortunately it seems Eraserhead expected this and I found my mouth tied by his scarf again. 'How did he even know I was going to speak? I have a mask on!'

Raising an eyebrow Eraserhead sighs tiredly and asks, "How do you know me kid?". Irritated, I cross my arms before pointing to my mouth which is oh so helpfully being blocked by somebody's capture weapon. Sighing again as though the thought of allowing me to speak is painful to him, he removes the scarf and I answer, "I saw you online. You are my favorite hero! You probably will not die." I finish, happily bouncing on my feet. 

Eraserhead sighs again squeezing the bridge of his nose in irritation and is about to say something when a scream catches our attention.

Staring at me for a bit, Eraserhead leaves, pulling himself up and out of the alley. Naturally I decide to follow, by the streets though, I'm not too good at climbing yet. As I run to catch up I can't help but think that maybe this world wasn't all that bad. After all, some spoiled parts on a cake didn't always mean the rest of the cake wasn't sweet.

(A/N: this chapter is pretty long, consider it my apology for the short chapter.)

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